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The e-commerce.

Problem in install.php - Please help


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I am trying to install osCommerce but I don't get passed the first screen in catalog/install/install.php ("Please customize the new installation with the following options") .

When I click on "Continue" in that first screen, nothing happens... it just displays the first screen (with its default values) again, and doesn't go to the next step.


I am running PHP 5.2.1, Apache 2.0.59 and MySQL 5.0... which all work fine.

The osCommerce release I'm trying to install is oscommerce-2.2ms2-060817 .


Can anyone help me ?


Many thanks,



found it... :thumbsup:


You need to set the the register_long_arrays var in php.ini to 'On' iso the default 'Off'


But I have the impression this will not be the only prob with using PHP 5.2.1 with osCommerce 2.2... Anyone installed this combination ?


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