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The e-commerce.

where to store my site


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I currentyl have a fully functional website - supplement savers - which works ok, but i have installed an oscommerce store in a subdirectory and am nearly complete in customising it ready for launch.


I have a question though - should I move my oscommerce installation to the main first page or can I keep it where it is and use the first page as a 'home' page and link through to the main site?


One of the advantages of keeping it in a subfolder is I have quite a few 'information pages' about my products and they can currently stay where they are - with links to the main store for when people want to purchase.


How does it afffect my google ranking etc if it stays in a subfolder? I have got the automatic google sitemap contribution on my store but not sure if it is a good idea to be submitting my maint site (as I have done before) and then submitting a sort of 'sub-site'......


any help would be appreciated!




Duncan Hutchinson


Boy OH Boy, what a post to get the ball rolling.


There are probably thousands of folk that are going to disagree with the following but I'm going to give you my take on the issues you have brought up.


First of all if you are just beginning with oscomerce/php/mysql and you have your shop in a subdirectory, and it is working leave it alone. Concentrate on your customer support and the immediate issues at hand which is taking care of your customer and promoting your site.


Second, if you have a good site map(there should only be one) with a link to it somewhere on your home page see number one above. If not get it fixed ASAP. Submit the link to Google and do check out google webmaster tools if you are in doubt. As far as I know a page in your root directory (other than the site index page) will realistically do no better or worse if it was in a subdirectory. If your pages have content related titles and descriptions and you use those two points in your text and you are not trying to compete with 10 million others sites your pages will do well. Try putting your local info into your text and titles, locals would much rather do business with locals than with someone on the other side of the country.


In my opinion Google is the trend setter and if you can get in Google then all the others are going to pick you up and if they don't well that's their problem.


Plan your work and work your plan. Take care of ALL the customers you get because without the customer there really isn't anything to plan for.


Bottom line:


Concentrate on building your site respect and everything else will follow in suit.


Good Luck,

How do you know when you know what you want to do for the rest of your life?

Boy OH Boy, what a post to get the ball rolling.


There are probably thousands of folk that are going to disagree with the following but I'm going to give you my take on the issues you have brought up.


First of all if you are just beginning with oscomerce/php/mysql and you have your shop in a subdirectory, and it is working leave it alone. Concentrate on your customer support and the immediate issues at hand which is taking care of your customer and promoting your site.


Second, if you have a good site map(there should only be one) with a link to it somewhere on your home page see number one above. If not get it fixed ASAP. Submit the link to Google and do check out google webmaster tools if you are in doubt. As far as I know a page in your root directory (other than the site index page) will realistically do no better or worse if it was in a subdirectory. If your pages have content related titles and descriptions and you use those two points in your text and you are not trying to compete with 10 million others sites your pages will do well. Try putting your local info into your text and titles, locals would much rather do business with locals than with someone on the other side of the country.


In my opinion Google is the trend setter and if you can get in Google then all the others are going to pick you up and if they don't well that's their problem.


Plan your work and work your plan. Take care of ALL the customers you get because without the customer there really isn't anything to plan for.


Bottom line:


Concentrate on building your site respect and everything else will follow in suit.


Good Luck,



Well I very much appreciate your comments! Are you saying that I only need to send the link to my sitemap to google or do I need to send a full sitemap? I might sound daft here but not quite sure!


Thanks again, duncan

Duncan Hutchinson


You only need to supply a link to your site map Google will crawl the map and follow the links on the site map. This is why a site map is important and it is important to keep the map up to date. You want the site map in the root directory.

How do you know when you know what you want to do for the rest of your life?


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