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Manufacturers Box -Image instead of text


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hello all.

I am hoping to get a response from this, it is quite urgent...

as the tilte says, I only have one Manufacturer, and instead of displaying a link to the Manufacturers page in text, I want to make it as a clickable image that directs you to the page...

I searched everywhere for an answer to this, and did notice several people asking the same thing but never a response?? :shock:


can anyone please help??

thx in advance

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just edit the manufacturers information box in /catalog/includes/boxes/

Rip out the text bit and move the <a href . tep_ bla </a> around the image.

"Politics is the art of preventing people from taking part in affairs which properly concern them"

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Ok figured it out...thanks again goes to Mattice for leading me in the right direction !

open the catalogincludesboxesmanufacturers.php


look for this code:



// Display a list

$manufacturers_list = '';

while ($manufacturers_values = tep_db_fetch_array($manufacturers_query)) {

$manufacturers_list .= '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'manufacturers_id=' . $manufacturers_values['manufacturers_id'], 'NONSSL') . '">' . substr($manufacturers_values['manufacturers_name'], 0, MAX_DISPLAY_MANUFACTURER_NAME_LEN) . '</a><br>';





// Display a list

$manufacturers_list = '';

while ($manufacturers_values = tep_db_fetch_array($manufacturers_query)) {

$manufacturers_list .= '<div align="center"><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'manufacturers_id=' . $manufacturers_values['manufacturers_id'], 'NONSSL') . '">' . '<img src="/catalog/images/boxes/NAME_OF_YOUR_IMAGE.gif" width="112" height="132" border="0"></a><br>';


You will now have an image of your choice centered in the Manufactuerer's box.

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You figured it out but it will only work with a single manufacturer.

So don't try this if you have more....



"Politics is the art of preventing people from taking part in affairs which properly concern them"

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  • 7 months later...



Thanks for the info, I was searching for a topic regarding placing an images inside several boxes I had created and your code snipit was big help.


I created a new file inside /includes/boxes/ and then added the line as you suggested and hey presto I had my own custom boxes with images and links!


Thanks again,



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