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Problems with Mac browser


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I am not a Mac user, but some friends tested (with IE 5.1 for Mac) my new site and indicated that some functions did not work correctly:


- background is black instead of white

- manufacturers drop-down window does not work

- instead of euro sign an A with umlaut is showing


Anyone knows how to solve these probems? Because I am not familiar with the Mac I am also not sure if there are updates of IE for Mac higher dan 5.1 which may be solve these problems?




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  • 3 weeks later...

Unfortunately I still have not received any tips. May be it helps when I give a link to my site:




Mac users, please take a look! May be you have any idea why the background color becomes black (in the boxes) and the manufacturers menu is not working correctly (and the left column becomes too wide).




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For questions like this, posting a link to your site will definitely increase the odds that somebody will respond. The odds increase even further if you state very clearly the versions of the operating system and browser that are producing the strange rendering.


On this iBook running Mozilla 1.2b (build 2002101612) on top of Mac OS X 10.2.1, your site displays none of the three problems you mentioned in your post. Your site looks quite nice, as a matter of fact.


I suggest you find out which OS and browser combination is producing the problem. My guess is that it's a problem with Internet Explorer, which has famously bad adherence to W3C standards.


Hope this helps,



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tut tut Justin


Someone is not reading all the posts before replying... :wink:


I see the problems, but I dont know why they maybe occuring.

I guess that is the wonder of IE...



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You got me. Looks like your stylesheet is fine and other browsers in OS X display it perfectly. The Euro symbol does show correctly however the black background and manufacturer pull down are messed (notice it puts the contents of the manu pull down beneath the pull down).


Here's a screen shot if you want to see:


Using OS X 10.2.1 with IE 5.2.2

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Thanks for the screenshot!


However I still do not know how to solve this problem. Are there special codes (for IE with a Mac) I can use in the stylesheet, so that the black background will be white again?


Moreover, I will not be the only one using the manu-pulldown.......so this problem should be well known?



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I've been developing an OSC site on my Mac and have had no problems with the stylesheets and manufacturer showing proplerly nor have I had problems viewing shops in the showcase. AFAIK, there are no special IE Mac codes.


You may want to create a new stylesheet entry like .infoBoxTest or something and see if that changes anything.


Also I'm a little worried about the contents of the manufacturer pull down being dispayed below the pull down - that's not something that should happen by just changing the stylesheet. You may want to check your modified code in includes/classes/boxes.php or in the includes/boxes/ to see if your missing something like an } or a ; or something of that variety. Kinda weird though that other browsers display if fine.

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I have checked again my stylesheets and saw that I did forget some ";" after some background colours. May be the black background is now white again????


Concerning the manufacturers.php I am did not see any missing ";" of "}", however I have replaced some parts with the original file.........so may be this problem is also soved??




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Yes indeed!! :lol:


However the manu pulldown menu I have fixed by editing the column-left.php file. Instead of doing something with cache, now the manufacturers box is required. Because something went wrong with the cache-function........an extra <enter> was placed in the pulldown code and after that the pull down did not worked correctly anymore????


I still do not understand the problem, but I am happy that now my site is working under IE on a Mac.

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