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Additional Attribute Pages


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Is it possible somehow to add additional attribute pages? Example would be this:


For computer customization



Have a hardware page, then once at the bottom have a "continue button" which would go to software attribute page.




Is there any contrib that will update the price as it is chosen? For instance, you have a few options for a product and when you choose it, the price will automatically update, im sure this is a java mod. Example would be in the custom computer creator contrib, unfortunately that contrib has not worked properly since it's conception so al ot of users have had to refer to the built in attribute system.


Last Question, is there a contrib ( I have searched ) that will allow you to set an input type for each option added? For example, for an option, select weather you want a radio button, select drop down, text input or check box.


I hope these can be answered as I have been looking nonstop for some solutions.


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