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Hi installed STS 4.4 and being happly working everything out but when i click on "My Account" or "Checkout" i get this error,


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ubooksco/public_html/includes/classes/ProductsInCategory.php:45) in /home/ubooksco/public_html/includes/functions/general.php on line 33


had a look at the files listed



/* $Id: ProductsInCategory.php v1.0 2007/02/16
an object to store the products within each category once queried by the box dm_categories.php
to avoid it being queried multiple times

osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

Copyright © 2007 osCommerce

Released under the GNU General Public License

class ProductsInCategory {
var $pic_data = array();

function ProductsInCategory() {
	global $languages_id;

	$products_query = tep_db_query("select p2c.categories_id, p.products_id, p.products_status, pd.products_name as product, pd.products_id as product_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " p2c USING(products_id) LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd USING(products_id) where pd.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' AND p.products_status='1' order by p2c.categories_id, pd.products_name");

       while ($product_info = tep_db_fetch_array($products_query)) {
           $this->addProductsInCategory($product_info['categories_id'], $product_info);
           } // end while ($product_info = tep_db_fetch_array($products_query))
       } // end function ProductsInCategory

   function addProductsInCategory ($categories_id, $product_info) {
       $this->pic_data[$categories_id][] = array('products_id' => $product_info['products_id'], 
                                                 'products_name' => $product_info['product'],
                                                 // we already know the category but might be handy to have it here too
                                                 'products_category' => $categories_id);
       } // end function addProductsInCategory ($categories_id, $product_info)

       function getProductsInCategory($categories_id) {
           if (isset($this->pic_data[$categories_id])){
               foreach ($this->pic_data[$categories_id] as $key => $_product_data) {
                   $product_data[] = $_product_data;
                   } // end foreach
                        return $product_data;
       return false;
       } // end function getProductsInCategory($categories_id)
   } // end Class ProductsInCategory





 $Id: general.php,v 1.231 2003/07/09 01:15:48 hpdl Exp $

 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

 Copyright © 2003 osCommerce

 Released under the GNU General Public License

// Stop from parsing any further PHP code
 function tep_exit() {

// Redirect to another page or site
 function tep_redirect($url) {
   if ( (strstr($url, "\n") != false) || (strstr($url, "\r") != false) ) { 
     tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, '', 'NONSSL', false));

   if ( (ENABLE_SSL == true) && (getenv('HTTPS') == 'on') ) { // We are loading an SSL page
     if (substr($url, 0, strlen(HTTP_SERVER)) == HTTP_SERVER) { // NONSSL url
       $url = HTTPS_SERVER . substr($url, strlen(HTTP_SERVER)); // Change it to SSL

   header('Location: ' . $url);     [color="#FF0000"] // <<<LINE 33[/color]


// Parse the data used in the html tags to ensure the tags will not break
 function tep_parse_input_field_data($data, $parse) {
   return strtr(trim($data), $parse);

 function tep_output_string($string, $translate = false, $protected = false) {
   if ($protected == true) {
     return htmlspecialchars($string);


Help on this would be appreciated




Contributions installed;

Register_globals V1.5

STS V4.4

Dynamenu V1_11




Hi i found a solution to my problem, it was a whitespace error caused when i was editing a file

if u hilite the text in the ProductsinCategory file i posted u will see "whitespace" after the last "?> when there

should be no spaces.




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