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my configure.php files are missing


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Hello, I am pretty new to OSC.


I followed the link for the most current stable release (2.1), downloaded it, installed it, and I think I got it all set up correctly in application_top.php; however, it will not connect to the database server... and I don't blame it, since everybody else seems to have a couple of configure.php files, where I tell it a username/password, but I cannot even find those 2 files! :?


I saw where some of you are using version 2.2 - I personally did not see any links for a stable release of 2.2. Is there one, or are you people running the daily beta snapshots in your production environments? :shock: Honestly, that would make me a little nervous.


Either way, it seems like the "most current stable release" (of anything) should come with all of the necessary files included, IMHO.


Anyone know where I can get the 2 missing configure.php files for OSC 2.1? If not, are there known good snapshot dates of 2.2?


Thank you!

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Anyone know where I can get the 2 missing configure.php files for OSC 2.1?


configure.php did not exist for 2.1 so I guess that's why you cant find them :)


The database info for 2.1 is stored in application_top.php

Mark Evans

osCommerce Monkey & Lead Guitarist for "Sparky + the Monkeys" (Album on sale in all good record shops)



Software is like sex: It's better when it's free. (Linus Torvalds)

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Yep, it was right in front of my face: lines 89-93 of application_top.php - somehow I missed that section when I was going through and setting all the rest of the variables. :oops:


Once I got those DB variables, it worked like a charm, EXCEPT for this error message at the page footer:


Warning: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in Unknown on line 0


If any of my fellow newbies are getting this error, I fixed it by editing catalog/includes/classes/sessions.php and admin/includes/classes/sessions.php - line 76 of each file has a variable that needs to be set to match a valid temp directory name.


I had to create one because I'm on a shared web host and have no access to the root.


One way to do this is to (use SSH for a secure) telnet to your host and then type:

cd ~

mkdir tmp


OSC 2.1 looks great and my hat is off to the developers! :D As soon as I get the store set up and running, I look forward to checking out 2.2 on a test server, too.



Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except by me.

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