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Please Review my store.


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Hello Everyone,


I posted a forum topic a couple of months ago asking for a critique of a store that I had just bought on ebay. Basically, I wasn't selling much(still not actually). A lot of the feedback I received was that I did not have enough or unique items. Since then I have totally changed my inventory. So i was wondering if you could take a look at that. Also if you could, I not all not to sure about the design of the site so I am hoping for any suggestion as far as color and the design in general. Please Visit My Website.




Curtis :rolleyes:


My first impression of your site is a ) you have way too much text on your main page creating a very long vertical scroll b ) your header is way to big. I would consider reducing your header size, creating a logo and a design that reflects what you are selling. I also noticed when clicking on a category the whole site expands and the logo shifts from the center to the left. Consider fixing that issue. I would start by first defining TABLE_HEADING_WEIGHT. And maybe removing some of those options like model number. And as always, I recommend removing the product count as well as the (->) arrows in your categories infobox.

Andrew Yuen

osCommerce, Community Team


Yeah, really slow to load for me also. Lot's of images don't help but I think the amount of queries you could lose by disabling the category counts, as mentioned before, would do a lot to speed things up. Your server seems to take a while to respond also so maybe not all the fault of your pages. Lose the "Requests since" garbage in the footer while you're about it.

You need a thumbnail contribution as your thumbs look terrible.


I didn't have too much trouble with page loading times but I do agree the main/index page has too much text.


The column left has that massive button in the quickfind box, that is making the whole column left biger than column right. And once you open product info you can see the centre text area shrink because teh column right tell a friend button make the size correction - it is usually small things like that can leave a big impression.


All in all it is a site that looks unprofessional. I think you can make better use of the stylesheet and give your site better colour and maybe an HTML editor actually improve the layout of product info pages.


Good luck

Upon receiving fixes and advice, too many people don't bother to post updates informing the forum of how it went. Until of course they need help again on other issues and they come running back!


Why receive the information you require in good faith for free, only to then have the attitude to ignore the people who gave it to you?


There's no harm in saying, 'Thanks, it worked'. On the contrary, it creates a better atmosphere.




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