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client side 'inventory' audit and reorder


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I would like to offer my clients (who run their own retail shops) the ability to 1) audit their own stock needs; 2) submit an inventory of their current stock; 3) reorder stock.


This is a bit like giving the clients thier own catalogue that's specific to thier own needs and then when it comes to order time, its simply a question of how many of X,Y,Z are needed.


I know everything is possible, but if you have a choice to either develop your own or build on something else, what would you do? and if you decided to build on something already existing what would that be? osCommerce? or something else?


I hope someone can help.


many thanks



Hi All


Update, my current thinking is that oscommerce can't help in assisting customers/clients manage their own inventory. Looks like I'll have to build something from scratch. If there are any opinions on this please do let me know.






I would like to offer my clients (who run their own retail shops) the ability to 1) audit their own stock needs; 2) submit an inventory of their current stock; 3) reorder stock.


This is a bit like giving the clients thier own catalogue that's specific to thier own needs and then when it comes to order time, its simply a question of how many of X,Y,Z are needed.


I know everything is possible, but if you have a choice to either develop your own or build on something else, what would you do? and if you decided to build on something already existing what would that be? osCommerce? or something else?


I hope someone can help.


many thanks



That's an interesting way of looking at the problem. I'm going to do some more google searches to see what else I can find under "multiple stores single admin sites". For anyone else reading this topic. The multiple stores contribution is here and I've just found a long discussion on multistores is here. I hope this is useful.


p.s. If anyone has come across anything similar to this but not using oscommerce please do let me know, I'm gotta find the simplest and quickest approach to implement this for my bro's shop.



A good starting point for you may be the multiple stores contribution. You will definitely have to modify it a bit to get a reordering system, but it will in theory give you what you want from a separate storefront for each customer with a single database backend.


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