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Fix a link for forgot password


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Can someone help me fix the link for forgot password?

when I click on the text link I get a non existant page.




So I need to know where the code is suposed to be to set up the link,

and what should be placed there to get the link to go to the proper php page.


KR ,

Nancy :D

Can someone help me fix the link for forgot password?

when I click on the text link I get a non existant page.




So I need to know where the code is suposed to be to set up the link,

and what should be placed there to get the link to go to the proper php page.


KR ,

Nancy :D




On catalog\login.php


                   <td class="main"><b><?php echo ENTRY_PASSWORD; ?></b></td>
                   <td class="main"><?php echo tep_draw_password_field('password'); ?></td>
                   <td colspan="2"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td>


it should read:

                   <td class="smallText" colspan="2"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN, '', 'SSL') . '">' . TEXT_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN . '</a>'; ?></td>


Assuming you haven't changed the filename this should fix it.



Can someone help me fix the link for forgot password?

when I click on the text link I get a non existant page.




So I need to know where the code is suposed to be to set up the link,

and what should be placed there to get the link to go to the proper php page.


Is this what I should be looking for catalog/includes/boxes/memberlogin.php?


		  $in_out_action.= '<br>';
	  $in_out_action.='<a class="smallText" href="';


KR ,

Nancy :D



On catalog\login.php


                   <td class="main"><b><?php echo ENTRY_PASSWORD; ?></b></td>
                   <td class="main"><?php echo tep_draw_password_field('password'); ?></td>
                   <td colspan="2"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td>


it should read:

                   <td class="smallText" colspan="2"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN, '', 'SSL') . '">' . TEXT_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN . '</a>'; ?></td>


Assuming you haven't changed the filename this should fix it.




Tried that, and I am still getting the error page. could it have something to do with not having an ssl ticket, or is ssl not what I think it is?

Tried that, and I am still getting the error page. could it have something to do with not having an ssl ticket, or is ssl not what I think it is?



The SSL shouldn't make a difference. Check in the catalog\includes\filenames.php that you have the code:

  define('FILENAME_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN', 'password_forgotten.php');


And that you haven't deleted the file catalog\password_forgetten.php




It may help to know whats wrong if you know that when I place my mouse over the forgotten password text.

the bottom of the exploror page reads www.mysite.com/boutique/FILENAME_FORGOTTEN_PASSWORD


where as if I pass the mouse over advanced search text the bottom of the page reads




So it seams to me that something, somewhere is not connected right. I'm just not sure where.

It may help to know whats wrong if you know that when I place my mouse over the forgotten password text.

the bottom of the exploror page reads www.mysite.com/boutique/FILENAME_FORGOTTEN_PASSWORD


where as if I pass the mouse over advanced search text the bottom of the page reads


So it seams to me that something, somewhere is not connected right. I'm just not sure where.


It looks like you haven't got FILENAME_FORGOTTEN_PASSWORD defined anywhere. As per above message add below code to catalog\includes\filenames.php


define('FILENAME_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN', 'password_forgotten.php');





I checked the filenames.php I do have

define('FILENAME_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN', 'password_forgotten.php');


So everything seems ok there.


and password_forgotten.php is still in the catalog/password_forgotten.php


This is what I have on my catalog/includes/english.php


//Member Login Box
define('BOX_HEADING_MEMBERLOGIN', 'Member Login');
define('BOX_HEADING_MEMBERLOGGED_IN', 'Account Info');
define('LOGIN_BOX_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN', 'Forget Your Password?');


And this is what I have in catalog/includes/boxes/member_login.php ( this is where I thought the link would be for that box )

		//Forgotten Password
	  $in_out_action.= '<br>';
	  $in_out_action.='<a class="smallText" href="';


I just know after the fact I'll be kicking my butt, cause afterword it would all of seemed so easy, but for now I'm stumped. Thanx for your help by the way.

I checked the filenames.php I do have

define('FILENAME_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN', 'password_forgotten.php');


So everything seems ok there.


and password_forgotten.php is still in the catalog/password_forgotten.php


I just know after the fact I'll be kicking my butt, cause afterword it would all of seemed so easy, but for now I'm stumped. Thanx for your help by the way.


Check your filenames carefully again, in your mouse over in your browser you said it reads FILENAME_FORGOTTEN_PASSWORD but the file name is FILENAME_PASSWORD_FORGOTTON password and forgotton are a different way round.





That was a typo they both say FILENAME_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN But We are on the right track. One is spelled FORGOTTEN, The other is FORGOTTON


fixed the typo in catalog/includes/boxes/memberlogin.php from FORGOTTON to FORGOTTEN


And whatya know, It's working!


Thanx so much, with out your help It would of taken me another year to make the connection.

and yes, I am kicking my butt. HARD!!


Nancy :D

That was a typo they both say FILENAME_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN But We are on the right track. One is spelled FORGOTTEN, The other is FORGOTTON


fixed the typo in catalog/includes/boxes/memberlogin.php from FORGOTTON to FORGOTTEN


And whatya know, It's working!


Thanx so much, with out your help It would of taken me another year to make the connection.

and yes, I am kicking my butt. HARD!!


Nancy :D


Pleased to hear it's fixed!! :D


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