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Only invoices shown are PayPal, no other cards, NEED HELP PLEASE!@


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Since about two days ago every payment and product purchased invoice only shows for PayPal using customers,

Customers using Visa, Mastercard, etc. do not get an invoice,

I logged in with a test account, the credit card gets processed and sends me back to the login page as soon as I confirm payment.

The record doesn't show in OsCommerce, I only see invoices for PayPal users.

Did I mess something up?

Did anyone else encounter this error?

I don't know what to do, I can't see what my customers order though they get charged,

Is there an option to enable disable this? I'm really lost.


This is a really serious problem.. If anyone can help please.


This only started about 3 days ago, from what I know at least.

No major changes were made to the cart, just the usual links update, image updates, etc.


Thank you



Another thing I've discovered;

The shopping cart does not clear after the order was made. The customer pays, doesn't see an invoice (neither do I), gets sent back to the login screen and the shopping cart remains full with the contents he purchased.


I have NO idea how to fix this..


links.php is the only file I've modified, I've been doing so for a long time it has nothing to do witht his problem. Editing <p>'s and <br>'s in a php file which has nothing to do with the checkout process I don't think had anything to do with it.


I'm still attempting to fix the problem. I've uploaded fresh copies of config, configure and checkout php files and still get the same end result.

a) The only orders recorded are PayPal orders,

B) The payments other than PayPal do appear in the database but not in OsCommerce,

c) The customer, after confirming checkout, gets processed and sent back to http://www.billetamerica.com/shoppingcart/index.php and the login page (does not say thank you order is completed, just sends him back to the login even though the order went through)

d) After replacing all the files I think have anything to do with this, I still get this problem..


The only files I've edited in the past 3 days were links.php, links.html (iframe links page) and a new link seo dir I installed dir.php external, which has nothing to do with OsCommerce.


I can't leave the office until I get this thing fixed.. blah.


do you know your order numbers? If so, type in the order number in the /admin/orders.php page (upper right hand corner).

Hit ENTER and you should be able to see the order.

This will at least get you out of the office tonight! Then you can research the rest tomorrow.


I had to fix this on my own server, and I tracked down the problem to the fact that two folders were missing from the \catalog directory. (I was migrating to another server). Once I moved the "ec" and the "xml" folders over, the credit card processing worked again. But this may or may not be the source of your problems.


Hope this helps!




I fixed it last night, the problem was forced cookie use.. Nothing with the script, eh I knew it.

Now the invoices for the customer won't show, but at least I can now see what they order.


Thanks to those who tried to help.




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