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The e-commerce.

Can you really disable Shopping Cart Feature?


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Hi Everybody... I'm new to PHP scripting & osCommerce... so I defnately need help, in laimens terms! :) I'm learning quite a bit while working on this system but... FAR from really knowing what I'm doing! ha!


:blink:Here's the problem.....


The client that I'm using the osCommerce software does not want to sell his products online since they are handguns, etc.. but he wants to be able to show off his products as if it were a shopping cart, and he wants to be able to update the products himself. So I thought this would be the best way.


However, I thought I turned off the Shopping Cart in the Admin section of the Module.


What is happening is that, it still has the "buy now" button and when you click on it, it takes you to the error page (I'm assuming because I disabled the shopping cart.)


How do I change that button to just, maybe go to their sales@ email address instead of trying to go to the shopping cart feature that isn't there?


Or can I even do this???


EUREKA!! I figured it out. It was as simple as going into the Module, and changing the "Display Buy Now Column" to 0. Whew... I was getting scared that all the work I put into this site was all for nothing... but it worked and I'm a happy camper again. Whew!!!!


Well.. I guess I was only partially correct! I still have the feature that says, "ADD TO CART" and it does add to the cart...


How do I remove that one?? Anyone know? And can this site just be to browse a catalog?


The best way to use it to add category description contribution.

And add all the details that are to be displayed as a category rather then a product so no issues of any buy now will come into picture.



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I have this problem too, I want my site to be informational and place bank deposit conditions so I do not want buy now to appear on the screen,


How can I modify it


hello, I need help in this script


disable price

function display_price($products_price,$products_tax,$quantity=1){
return $this->format(tep_add_tax($products_price,$products_tax)*$quantity);

I want it to be changed into this: If product's price is 0(zero) then return ' '. The product which has price more than 0 must remain the same


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