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The e-commerce.

Stuck at step 2 in installation


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Hello All... I'm new to oscommerce and I'm having a bit of trouble installing it. I am running a RedHat Linux server with Apache, php and MySQL. I have been following the installation instruction posted of this forum page and I can't seem to get pass the second step. Index.php loads and i click install, then the second step i select 'Import Catalog Database' and 'Automatic Configuration', after I click continue and nothing happens. I changed the folder permissions, even used 777 and still the same thing...


What have i not done?.. Any help woule be appreciated.








Same trouble here, only I'm running apache on a windows machine. Any help is greatly appreciated.



Feu! Edome8a upo rhnnosxhmwn lukwn!


Install gets stuck on page 2


The most common cause for installation getting stuck in step 2

is that most recent PHP installations have register_long_arrays = OFF

This needs to be turned to ON in the php.ini file (you will need to

stop and restart your server to get this change to take effect.)




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