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error after upgrading to php5


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we just upgraded to php5 and we are getting the following error. any ideas why?


Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/sites/www.mysite.com/web/includes/classes/order.php on line 318

Your request for return authorization has been received. You will receive a seperate e-mail with complete return instructions, including the address of where to return the product to. **Do not return the product until you have received the RETURN INSTRUCTIONS e-mail.** Thank you!



here's line 318 of order.php


'entry_state' => $pwa_array_address['entry_state']));



it's part of:



if ($customer_id == 0) {

global $pwa_array_customer, $pwa_array_address, $pwa_array_shipping;


// customers address

$country_query = tep_db_query("select c.countries_name, c.countries_iso_code_2, c.countries_iso_code_3, c.address_format_id, z.zone_name from " . TABLE_COUNTRIES . " c left join " . TABLE_ZONES . " z on z.zone_id = '" . intval($pwa_array_address['entry_zone_id']) . "' where countries_id = '" . intval($pwa_array_address['entry_country_id']) . "'");

$country = tep_db_fetch_array($country_query);

$address = array_merge($country,

array('customers_firstname' => $pwa_array_customer['customers_firstname'],

'customers_lastname' => $pwa_array_customer['customers_lastname'],

'entry_firstname' => $pwa_array_customer['customers_firstname'],

'entry_lastname' => $pwa_array_customer['customers_lastname'],

'customers_telephone' => $pwa_array_customer['customers_telephone'],

'customers_email_address' => $pwa_array_customer['customers_email_address'],

'customers_email_address_2' => $pwa_array_customer['customers_email_address_2'],

'entry_company' => (isset($pwa_array_address['entry_company'])? $pwa_array_address['entry_company']:''),

'entry_street_address' => $pwa_array_address['entry_street_address'],

'entry_suburb' => $pwa_array_address['entry_suburb'],

'entry_postcode' => $pwa_array_address['entry_postcode'],

'entry_city' => $pwa_array_address['entry_city'],

'entry_zone_id' => $pwa_array_address['entry_zone_id'],

'countries_id' => $pwa_array_address['entry_country_id'],

'entry_country_id' => $pwa_array_address['entry_country_id'],

'entry_state' => $pwa_array_address['entry_state']));


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