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Customised order confirmation email, but text not showing


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Hi there,


I have added text to the Order Confirmation email which the customer receives, the file I amended: catalog/includes/languages/engligh/checkout_process.php


And I added text to the define('TEXT_EMAIL_VIA') section.


However the text fails to show up in the Order Confirmation email, does anyone know if I have added the customised text in the correct php file and code? For the text, I did not have any astrophe s or t, and I only used simple HTML like <p align="justify" and <br> for paragraph and line breaks.

Highlighted below is the area I inserted text into.



define('EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT', 'Your Product Purchase at . STORE NAME');

define('EMAIL_TEXT_ORDER_NUMBER', 'Order Number:');

define('EMAIL_TEXT_INVOICE_URL', 'Detailed Invoice:');

define('EMAIL_TEXT_DATE_ORDERED', 'Date Ordered:');

define('EMAIL_TEXT_PRODUCTS', 'Products');

define('EMAIL_TEXT_SUBTOTAL', 'Sub-Total:');

define('EMAIL_TEXT_TAX', 'Tax: ');

define('EMAIL_TEXT_SHIPPING', 'Shipping: ');

define('EMAIL_TEXT_TOTAL', 'Total: ');

define('EMAIL_TEXT_DELIVERY_ADDRESS', 'Delivery Address');

define('EMAIL_TEXT_BILLING_ADDRESS', 'Billing Address');

define('EMAIL_TEXT_PAYMENT_METHOD', 'Payment Method');


define('EMAIL_SEPARATOR', '------------------------------------------------------');


define('TEXT_EMAIL_VIA', 'Here I have added my own additional text with simple HTML coding for paragraph breaks');



Will really really appreciate if someone, anyone, could assist to resolve this - I have been stuck at this checkout_process file for more than a week, and no one has responded (another error with the same page which I resolved by uploading the original file).


Thank you in advance to ANY kind soul out there!





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