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The e-commerce.

To Forum or not to Forum


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Just wondering what majority of people think.


Is a forum good thing to have on your web site. (Im thinking it might be more of a personal preference thing and as with anything it would have its good & not so good points)


Will a forum help to increase sales? Does it help drive more traffic to your site? Will it attract a few looney toons?


Do you have a forum on your shopping site and if so what do you think are the benefits?


Do you think it might be not such a good idea to have one on a shopping site and if so why?


Does anyone use the forum contribution, if so is any good?


Thanks :)


This is only from my experance so please take it with a grain of salt. I have had a forum running with my shop for well over a year with only a few real customers using it. The one thing to remember is that once Board Spammers :angry: get your forum on there list your going to have to keep an eye on it.


I have visited other online businesses that use forums, some seem to have great success and some don't, thsi could have domething to do with the products they offer.

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G'day Bob,


Do you use the forum contribution from OSC or from somewhere else? Is there not a way that you could preview and approve before allowing to post or would this just take up to much time do you think?




I don't think you should have a forum unless there is a real need for one. For example, how many people have asked for one? If it is an active forum, other people would probably join it but it a rather sad experience posting to an inactive forum. Try putting a poll on your site asking if people would like a forum.


I think it would improve customer service, it would provide a lot of feedback, of course you could use things like feedback forms, reviews, polls ect... but I think maybe people would speak a bit more freely in a forum. Forums can be very informative.


If you are looking for a place to tell people about products and articles, i would go for a blog page and stay right away from forums, unless you have a lot of time on your hands and want to delete hundreds of spam posts each day stick to a blog.


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