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RSS Feed contribution support thread


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I've installed the contrib and it's working fine - thanks btw - but now when I go to duplicate a catalogue product I get the following error message:


Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/******/public_html/shop/admin/includes/functions/database.php on line 45

0 -


select products_quantity, products_model, products_image, products_price, products_date_available, products_weight, products_tax_class_id, manufacturers_id




Could someone point me in the right direction please. Any help certainly appreciated.

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This is a great contribution, thank you for all the updates! I have noticed, that when I add a product, the RSS feed picks it up by the product ID, rather than the date.....is this normal? and can this be changed so that the feed picks it up by the date rather than the product ID field.

Thank you!!!

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At first i want to say thanks for this great AddOn!!! :)


It works fine, but i have a problem with the price. It isn't displayed in the Feed.


I habe installed the SeperatePricePerCostumer (SPPC) Contrib and i think this is the problem.


Can anyone tell me, how i can make the Feed with SPPC?


Hope you can help me.



Hajö :)

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Hi all,

I'm facing a problem when using the feed in french, the link is perfectly gathered (eg.: http://www.xxxxxxx.xx/rss.php?language=fr) but it comes up with an error as soon as starting the description. When it hits characters with accents. They are something like "É" from the websites.


So I'm wondering what to do to solve this?


Well as I started asking some help I would also like to have a fixed color in my characters when publishing rss, as I am using STS maybe I would be able to create a special html template that would only type in black colors?




Light travels faster than sound. Thats why sometimes people look bright until they speak...

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At first i want to say thanks for this great AddOn!!! :)


It works fine, but i have a problem with the price. It isn't displayed in the Feed.


I habe installed the SeperatePricePerCostumer (SPPC) Contrib and i think this is the problem.


Can anyone tell me, how i can make the Feed with SPPC?


Hope you can help me.



Hajö :)


Hi Hajo,


I haven't installed SPPC and got the same error.



The prices are lost if I call rss.php or rss.php?ecommerce=1 --> It ist always the same result.



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This is a great contribution, thank you for all the updates! I have noticed, that when I add a product, the RSS feed picks it up by the product ID, rather than the date.....is this normal? and can this be changed so that the feed picks it up by the date rather than the product ID field.

Thank you!!!


Hi Mike,


you should find ORDER BY p.products_id and change it to ORDER BY products_date_added or products_last_modified

Thats it.



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Hello, thanks for this great contribution! I really love it. Unfortunatly I have one problem, at my webshop it is not working with Ultimate SEO Urls from Chemo. I've checked several things and read this whole topic, but I really don't know what to do with it. I've cleaned my cache and everything.

When SEO Urls is turned on, I get a 404 error message when visiting the categories or product info pages. When I turn it off, everything works fine. My feed is working well anyway. Could someone please help me?

I've tried to insert my admin/categories file but the codebox code didn't work...

Thanks in advance!

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I installed RSS Feed 2.0 right now - but it seems like it doesn't work.


My shop is this (see the RSS button in the footer), my feed URL is this


Everytime it shows an error, that IE7 cannot display feeds with DTDs. If I try to get the file with another feed reader (e.g. Awasu) I get message that my site seems to be a webste instead of a rss feed.


So, what could be the problem? And how can I solve that?

Edited by s97446
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Got this installed and it seems to be working. Click the RSS button at the bottom of the category and it adds the feed to the toolbar of Firefox. When I click on that bookmark it displays "Live Bookmark feed failed to load".


What am I doing wrong? I have added several items in the category and checked the box in products to add it to the feed.


I'm running RC2 and have several other mods, header tags, scrolling specials, etc. The install seemed fairly easy.


Any Ideas?

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In addition to my problem two posts ago:


I now changed the code for generating the meta tags in my header_tags.php (from HeaderTags contrib) like that:


if (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'rss.php') == FALSE) {
 <meta ...


Therefore the


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">


doesn't appear when loading the rss.php file.


But, nevertheless this part of rss.php


// Begin sending of the data
header('Content-Type: application/rss+xml; charset=UTF-8');
//header("Last-Modified: " . tep_date_raw($last_modified));
header('Last-Modified: ' .gmdate("D, d M Y G:i:s", strtotime($last_modified)). ' GMT');
//header('Last-Modified: ' .gmdate("D, d M Y G:i:s T",strtotime($last_modified)) . ' GMT');
header("ETag: " . md5($etag));
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>' . "\n";
echo '<?xml-stylesheet href="http://www.w3.org/2000/08/w3c-synd/style.css" type="text/css"?>' . "\n";
echo '<!-- RSS for ' . $store_name . ', generated on ' . gmdate("D, d M Y G:i:s", strtotime($last_modified)) . ' GMT'. ' -->' . "\n";
<rss version="2.0"
<title><?php echo utf8_encode($rss_title); ?></title>


doesn't appear? Why? What could be the reason for that?

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Seems many people having a problem getting this to work. I tired installing the sql, but received the #1062 - Duplicate entry '80' for key 1 error. Even so I installed the rest. Of course it did not work, when I clicked the feed icon in firefox, gave me a blank page. So, as alex suggested, I changed the 80 value for configuration id to one past my last one for the table and the sgl insert now worked fine and the feed is now working fine.


Seems the big problem with this mod is the setting of 80 for the configuration_id. Browse your configuration table to the end to find the last one. Use the next one and change the 80 to your number and run the sql.


What worked for me. I added the feed to my Google feed reader and looks like everything is working fine.

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Doesn't anybody have this contrib working ... and have an idea why my rss.php seems to be not interpreted?


I backed up a version or two and used the rss.php out of that package and voila! its working. I saw a earlier post who had suggested that and as frustrated as I was, I thought what the heck... anyway it works like a champ now.

Edited by Jan Zonjee
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What could be the reason for that?


OK, I solved the problem now. There is one line at the end of the rss.php


 * Include the application_bottom.php script 


which includes the application_bottom.php. If you are using the STS Template System this line shouldn't be active. Put in




instead of that line - and it works :)

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Hi all,

I'm facing a problem when using the feed in french, the link is perfectly gathered (eg.: http://www.xxxxxxx.xx/rss.php?language=fr) but it comes up with an error as soon as starting the description. When it hits characters with accents. They are something like "É" from the websites.


So I'm wondering what to do to solve this?


Well as I started asking some help I would also like to have a fixed color in my characters when publishing rss, as I am using STS maybe I would be able to create a special html template that would only type in black colors?





I'm still up for this if anyone can help me with it...

Light travels faster than sound. Thats why sometimes people look bright until they speak...

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I was testing the RSS in my localhost and work fine, but when I upload it in my internet hosting it report this error:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function getallheaders() in /home/virtuall/public_html/rss.php on line 261


What that means? how Can I solve it?

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I just got this contrib installed and operating after using the emu_getallheaders function.

Everything seems fine except for the buy now and more info images that arn't showing up...


the source of these that is being returned is just the webroot, http://mysite.com/


any help would be appreciated.




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I just got this contrib installed and operating after using the emu_getallheaders function.

Everything seems fine except for the buy now and more info images that arn't showing up...


the source of these that is being returned is just the webroot, http://mysite.com/


any help would be appreciated.





Nevermind i got it.... it was a total newb mistake.


Works good!


but what good does the ecommerce=1 version do?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Am trying to add the RSS contribtion on local server..i.e. "apache2triad"


but it is not displaying an thing as output.. at the folloeing link on my local server




I want to confirm does the RSS contribtion it works on local server or not??

Edited by perfumecounter

Ashish kumar Singla


SEO Team Leader

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Hi, just two things that were asked ( one by myself ;) )




if you have "Display Cart After Adding Product" set to false you can redirect the customer to the shopping cart (instead of showing an empty page stating "product not found") by changing


$buy_link = tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, tep_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=buy_now&products_id=' . $id);




$buy_link = tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART, tep_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=buy_now&products_id=' . $id);




you can display the price in your feed by adding


echo ' <ecommerce:listPrice currency="' . DEFAULT_CURRENCY . '">' . $price . '</ecommerce:listPrice>' . "\n";


to wherever you want the price to pop up. I have put it between the


echo ' <description>'; // . "\n";


echo '</description>' . "\n";


actually, i have also added some description after/between the images for buy_now and more_information

my whole code looks therefore like this:


echo ' <description>'; // . "\n";

if ($ecommerce=='' && $image != '') {

echo '<![CDATA[<a href="' . $link . '"><img src="' . $image_url . '"></a>]]>';


echo $desc;

if ($ecommerce=='') {

echo '<![CDATA[<br><br><br><a href="' .$buy_link. '"><img src="' . $buy_url . '" border="0"></a> buy now for]]>';

echo ' <ecommerce:listPrice currency="' . DEFAULT_CURRENCY . '">' . $price . '</ecommerce:listPrice>' . " EUR (plus shipping)" . "\n";

echo '<![CDATA[<br><a href="' . $link . '"><img src="' . $button_url . '" border="0"></a> more information<br>]]>' . "\n";


echo '</description>' . "\n";


Kind regards, Dirk

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Installed RSS feed with eCommerce, v2.0 ... followed ALL instructions ... but when I goto view my RSS feed...its empty ... just says Catalog Feed ... am I missing something??


My RSS feed




Anyone have any idea?? we're really at a loss here :|

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