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How to remove languages option??


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I was wondering if anyone can tell me how to remove all the languages option shown at the top right hand corner of the site?, (this includes removing the english language option), i.e site is displayed in english only and there are no options of choosing a different language.


At first, you have to set as the principal language in the Admin Panel, the english.

Then, open the column_right.php in the incñudes folder and erase this line:

include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'languages.php');
At first, you have to set as the principal language in the Admin Panel, the english.

Then, open the column_right.php in the incñudes folder and erase this line:


I have removed the other languages and now my default language is english, however when I opemn the file column_right.php, I get this:


 $Id: column_right.php,v 1.17 2003/06/09 22:06:41 hpdl Exp $

 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

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The file is literally empty....so how can i delete the line you said?


That's impossible, If your column right is like that, your right column in the Web have to be empty.

May be you have another column_right at the includes folder or any problem.

As you show me, your column_right.php is completely empty, be sure you don't have another and tell me.

That's impossible, If your column right is like that, your right column in the Web have to be empty.

May be you have another column_right at the includes folder or any problem.

As you show me, your column_right.php is completely empty, be sure you don't have another and tell me.



The only right_colum.php file i can fide is in the catalog/includes directory.

The only right_colum.php file i can fide is in the catalog/includes directory.



oh one other thing i forgot to tell you, the languages option is not in boxes like the currency option, it is basically ciicking on an image of a flag of the country that you want the site to be displayed in.


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