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The e-commerce.

B2B or wholesale type function?


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Hi all,

I'm new here and this is my first post. :rolleyes: Does osCommerce have a wholesale type function that would allow a business to present different products and different prices for individual products to logged in and approved customers?


For example - a wholesale business might have four different price brackets for one product. How these prices are allocated might be dependant on how long a customer has been doing business with the wholesaler in question.

'Person A' might only be a new customer so when he/she logs in a more expensive price will be allocated, 'Person B' might have built up years of custom with the wholesaler so he/she will be charged a lesser price.


Also, is it possible to develop a shopping cart for a wholesale type business that doesn't prompt the user for payment, but instead just places an order?


As i said before, i'm new here so i'm only trying to understand what osCommerce is currently capable of doing. Any help would be much appreciated.




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