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Why do I have to lock the newsletter?


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I've been wondering what is the real funtion of lock/unlock the newsletter cause in the knowledge database just say that you have to do it, but why? what happen if i don't do it? I'm trying to put together a tutorial in spanish for my clients but i don't know how to explain the usibility of locking or not the newsletter.


Any help will be appreciate :thumbsup:


Howdy from Venezuela!



  • 5 months later...
Any help will be appreciate :thumbsup:


Sorry got no help, but would like to know the answer, too.

And how do you lock a newsletter ind osCommerce 2.2 RC1?

I can make newsletter, but can't send or lock them.



Sorry got no help, but would like to know the answer, too.


Suprisingly it changed. I overlooked the buttons on the reight side.

Dont know how it is labeled in english, but i think it might be "Lock".


So, just look at the very right side of your newsletter admin section.

Lock it, and send it ;)


Why you have to lock it, i still don't know, sry.




As far as I've understood it, the locking of the newsletter is a function with multiple purposes. At first it has a legal meaning, cause sending newsletter could be an offer that has to be stored uniquely. At the second, there's the possibility that more than one peeps are working on it at the same time, so when it's locked there are no changes possible. Imagine you're sending it to thousands of customers and someone is making changes to it while the newsletter is send...


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