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The e-commerce.

2 Store 'Skins' - 2 Domain names - 1 Database


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I'm new to OSCommer ...and new to the OSC Forum. About 1 year with PHP/MySQL and am a webdesigner


FYI: I've read the posts on the Multi-Store Contribution -

it was a more complicated solution - than what is needed for this specific situation.



1) potential client (wholesaler - no retail) has an existing website with working version of OSC installed.


2) his website >> is used as an 'online brochure' (only) << Meaning, *No prices* are listed online; ccard payment modules are *not* enabled. Website is used *only* to display products for reference. Prices are sent to retailers after qualification by phone; and orders are taken by phone. Unusual, but thats the way he wants it.



client has a 2nd domain name (yes, domain name is hosted on the same server as his 1st installs of OSCommerce)

client wants to have 2nd webites, with a different look and feel.

but ... the client wants BOTH websites to display the same left menu/column 'categores' and display the identical product line.


(crazy, huh?) maybe he has traffic on the 2nd domain name? I suggested he use a re-direct page. NO - he wants two seperate websites, with unique 'skin'...but shows idential products...and only update (1) database (new products, pictures, description, item numbers, etc. ONCE > AND - have those changes show up in BOTH websites....to save him time/confusion on admin, updates.



my sense for the simplest solution, would be to install a 2nd instance of OSCommerce on the same webserver, (under the 2nd domain name) ...AND ...configure the 2nd OSCommerce to point to / use the 1st database. This may be wishful thinking on my part..that it would be that easy.


2nd solution path might be: have him make his changes /updates to his 1st website > then export his database > then, import the database into 2nd instance of OSCommerce.


QUESTION: I'm wanting to know if the the above makes any sense at all, or if there is another straightforward way to achieve the above: 1 database, 2 websites under seperate domain name, both websites display exactly the same products/pics, each website has its own unique look & feel (header /footer graphics) ...but show the same left menu, and same center/products display area.


Any gen advice, insights, or warnings - would be appreciated

info on "How to" config the 2nd website to point to the first databasee (if possible)

which files would need to be changed in 2nd instance of OSCommerce?

If you know of any refs, post titles or keywords on this issue would be appreciated.


I'm new to the forum and it's a bit overwhelming, but hopefully - will get the hang of it before too long.


best to all -




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