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Install step 2 very puzzeld Please advise


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srry to bother im stuck


i have created database in MySQL Account Maintenance


i called it osc2 but when u press create it calls database jasoneon_osc2 which im sure is fine

i also gave myself a user name of jason which when u create it calls user name jasoneon_jason which again im sure is fine

i gave a password


below is the results so far so good all ok i think



Users in osc2

jasoneon_jason (Privileges: ALL PRIVILEGES)


Connection Strings

Perl $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:jasoneon_osc2:localhost","jasoneon_jason","<PASSWORD HERE>");

PHP $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "jasoneon_jason", "<PASSWORD HERE>") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db ("jasoneon_osc2");



right when i install through install wizard i am asked 6 things



Database Server: which is the same as neon9.com


Database username: jasoneon_jason


Database password: **********


Database Name: jasoneon_osc2


Persistent Connections: Ticked


Session Storage: Ticked


i then press continue and get



New Installation


Database Import


A test connection made to the database was NOT successful.


The error message returned is:


Access denied for user: '[email protected]' (Using password: YES)


Please click on the Back button below to review your database server settings.


If you require help with your database server settings, please consult your hosting company.


what am i doing wrong does anyone have any idea !


been on this for 8 hours im so fed up please help much appreciated



kind regards jason :'(


Database Server: which is the same as neon9.com


change this :

Database Server: which is the same as neon9.com

to this :

Database Server: localhost


uncheck this :

Persistent Connections: Ticked


lol omg i cant believe how esy that was worked first time thankyou very much David ive just woke up and its true what they say sleep on it and an idea will come to you well you provided it lol thankyou all the best jason


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