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The e-commerce.

install from the VERY beginning...:)

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:blink: Okay, I found oscommerce. I even figured out how to post here buy registering. Now, how the heck do I start making my website? I have read and printed an earlier post entitled, "quick install guide". It's very helpful, but it says to "create a blank database via your web hosting control panel. How/where do I get that? I have a domain name thru www.freewebs.com with my own websitename.com, but do not see where I can make a homepage there and then insert a link for oscommerce. I want a different domain name anyway, so someone please direct me to how to start implementing this very cool oscommerce stuff! Please, please, please, I'd be so grateful for any help. Why doesn't the oscommerce website make it just a bit simpler to get started?


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