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Simple Paypal IPN question


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I am developing a new oscommerce shop and am starting off using the basic paypal payment module. I had this problem of people not waiting to come back to the shop website after payment and hence you get the money but no order (and they get no emails!).


So, I am looking into the Paypal IPN stuff, and it looks like a good plan, but I have a simple question:


I receive money into my paypal account through various means - normally from the online shop but also when i sell something on ebay or for one off payments for things. If I turn this IPN stuff on in paypal, will it screw up all the other stuff I use it for (i.e. not through the shop)?


Oh, and generally, is using the IPN contribution pretty straight forward?





I receive money into my paypal account through various means - normally from the online shop but also when i sell something on ebay or for one off payments for things. If I turn this IPN stuff on in paypal, will it screw up all the other stuff I use it for (i.e. not through the shop)?

nope won't screw anything else up

Oh, and generally, is using the IPN contribution pretty straight forward?

Yes, one of the easiest contribs to install and use available


I installed version 2.2. Dead easy - you dont even need to do anything in your paypal account.


One thing is i want to fix the currency for the invoice - see my recent post. I cant figure out how to do it.






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