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Hiring someone to run easypopulate for me


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We have tried almost every version of Easy Populate and Excel Populate and despite following every guide we are unable to make the products show in the admin or on the site, although we can upload them to the database and they appear under all the correct tables in mysql admin.


We have around 300 products and was wondering how much it would cost to hire someone to run easy populate for us.


Our site has no special mods although I am about to ad a mod that will create an extra field for storing SKU's.


Due to lack of time and resources (we've already spend over 5 days with this) we was hoping someone could reply here with a quote for doing this work for us. We have the products in excel and CSV format and they are all formated correctly as per tables and ready to be imported.


We can't post payment for services in this forum but I am sure if you look at posters profiles and find their contact information they/I will be able to help you.




We have tried almost every version of Easy Populate and Excel Populate and despite following every guide we are unable to make the products show in the admin or on the site, although we can upload them to the database and they appear under all the correct tables in mysql admin.


We have around 300 products and was wondering how much it would cost to hire someone to run easy populate for us.


Our site has no special mods although I am about to ad a mod that will create an extra field for storing SKU's.


Due to lack of time and resources (we've already spend over 5 days with this) we was hoping someone could reply here with a quote for doing this work for us. We have the products in excel and CSV format and they are all formated correctly as per tables and ready to be imported.



We have tried almost every version of Easy Populate and Excel Populate and despite following every guide we are unable to make the products show in the admin or on the site, although we can upload them to the database and they appear under all the correct tables in mysql admin.


We have around 300 products and was wondering how much it would cost to hire someone to run easy populate for us.


Our site has no special mods although I am about to ad a mod that will create an extra field for storing SKU's.


Due to lack of time and resources (we've already spend over 5 days with this) we was hoping someone could reply here with a quote for doing this work for us. We have the products in excel and CSV format and they are all formated correctly as per tables and ready to be imported.

If you can't view products in the shop, it doesn't sound like an easy populate problem. You should fix that problem before trying to get easy populate to work.



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I also have the same problem, I have already products in the shop, but when i tried to add one test product, i can see the new category and product names in the shop without any picture. and our common problem with Mr. Leerees is that I also cannot make them show in the admin.


This is different than the op's problem. You just can't see the images but the products are there. If could be that you didn't actually set the image, or maybe the path you used is wrong. Or it could be a problem with your configure file. Open the page in IE so that a box with an X in it should be shown in place of the image. Right click on that to find the path and image name. Now check if they actually exist on your server. An easy way is to go to http://yourdomain.com/images_path/image_name.jpg.



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Here is a set of the problems I always encounter:


1-For the X I can see it in my shop, but how to set an image, I have uploaded to FTP an image i give it the same name and extenstion of the one in EP text, but no image in the Shop.


2-but worse and what worries me most is that i cannot see this product in the admin, so I cannot delete it when I would like to.


3-Another problem is that when I download my existing products through EP to edit for example the price. I upload but I see the products in Categories/Products have doubled. and the new price is assigned to the new twins that appeared. but for the older brothers the price remains the same.


Does anyone have an explaination for this.


The images column in easy populate assumes that is where the images will go. So if you want an image to reside in images as myimage.gif, you would enter myimage.gif in the easy populate file, not images/myimage.gif. But you are complicating matters with easy populate. You should be able to go into the products edit page, set an image and then see in on the shop. If you cannot do that, then that needs to be fixed first.



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Please dont go off topic, your problem with images are not related to this post.


My problem is the products dont show up in the shop or admin, despite uploading successfully and appearing in the database.


Therefore i am seeking to hire someone who is more experienced with easy populate to load my product database on and am wondering how much this will cost.


If no one wants to do this maybe someone could sell me a dummy excel spreadsheet with all the correct field names filled out.



To get a template of what the spread sheet should look like...just download your database...

Then bring it up using exel...go to the top and you will see the heading format for each col...

and from left to right you will have the format and data....categories and product...Also if

you take the spread sheet and go to the catalog you should see the pattern...

I hope this helps,




To get a template of what the spread sheet should look like...just download your database...

Then bring it up using exel...go to the top and you will see the heading format for each col...

and from left to right you will have the format and data....categories and product...Also if

you take the spread sheet and go to the catalog you should see the pattern...

I hope this helps,




I was just about to hand over £700 to get another guy to do this.


Dttones.com you are an absolute life saver. Thankyou so much for posting this. I tried it it out on 5 test products and they went in without problems, all attributes included!




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