DarrenDunnage Posted March 11, 2007 Posted March 11, 2007 I am installing osc on my hard disk, have installed EasyPHP and installed OSC which all went ok, unitl i clicked catalog and got this error: Warning: mysql_pconnect(): Unknown MySQL Server Host 'localhost ' (11004) in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\catalog\includes\functions\database.php on line 17 Unable to connect to database server! have looked at the file and it has : function tep_db_connect($server = DB_SERVER, $username = DB_SERVER_USERNAME, $password = DB_SERVER_PASSWORD, $database = DB_DATABASE, $link = 'db_link') { global $$link; if (USE_PCONNECT == 'true') { $$link = mysql_pconnect($server, $username, $password); } else { $$link = mysql_connect($server, $username, $password); } if ($$link) mysql_select_db($database); return $$link; } function tep_db_close($link = 'db_link') { global $$link; return mysql_close($$link); } function tep_db_error($query, $errno, $error) { die('<font color="#000000"><b>' . $errno . ' - ' . $error . '<br><br>' . $query . '<br><br><small><font color="#ff0000">[TEP STOP]</font></small><br><br></b></font>'); } function tep_db_query($query, $link = 'db_link') { global $$link; if (defined('STORE_DB_TRANSACTIONS') && (STORE_DB_TRANSACTIONS == 'true')) { error_log('QUERY ' . $query . "\n", 3, STORE_PAGE_PARSE_TIME_LOG); } any help greatly appreciated !! Thanks
♥Vger Posted March 11, 2007 Posted March 11, 2007 'localhost' is not the name of your mysql connection. Try '' instead. Vger
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