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User accounts are not saving correctly


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I seem to be having a problem here. When a new user creates an account it seems that their info is not saving. For example If i go into customer info there name is their but the fields are not populated. Also If I go into edit their fields. This message appears

Warning: reset() [function.reset]: Passed variable is not an array or object in /home/website/path/admin/includes/classes/object_info.php on line 17


Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /home/website/path/admin/includes/classes/object_info.php on line 18


Also under their info the field that says date created is empty.


When a user finshes an order via paypal they do not get a confirmation e-mail. And finnally if they go into account history to look at previous orders it is empty. This seems like is might be a sql error but I do not know where to look and what to change.


Please help. Thanks


I am pretty sure it was a contribution. I have a good feeling that is is sql becasue I have a dupicate install in another directory . I still receive the same error. is there maybe a mod out there that can replace the default user login?


I restored sql from an earlier tme and it is still not right. Users can create accounts but there data does not save. When I look at their info in the admin section it is blank. when i look at their orders it is blank. I have no way or telling what they purchased!. can someone please help me with this?




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