webide Posted March 6, 2007 Share Posted March 6, 2007 Hello, I look for an allowing contribution to a customer to send a file embellish with images during the order. I suggest articles engraving. I ais my basic models but me wish to give the possibility of personalizing these products by the customers by letting them send the image to be engraved. I ais tried this contribution who allows the download of images but me ais a bug because when I send a photo, he reappoints her by my name and my first name (with a space between) and the image does not appear in the e-mail. I think that the problem is situated on one of 2 files this below <? class mime_mail { var $parts; var $to; var $from; var $headers; var $subject; var $body; function mime_mail() { $this->parts = array(); $this->to = ""; $this->from = ""; $this->subject = ""; $this->body = ""; $this->headers = ""; } function add_attachment($message, $name = "", $ctype = "application/octet-stream") { $this->parts[] = array ( "ctype" => $ctype, "message" => $message, "encode" => $encode, "name" => $name ); } function build_message($part) { $message = $part["message"]; $message = chunk_split(base64_encode($message)); $encoding = "base64"; if ($part["name"]!="") { $dispstring = "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$part[name]\"\n"; } return "Content-Type: ".$part["ctype"]. ($part["name"]?"; name = \"".$part["name"]."\"" : ""). "\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: $encoding\n".$dispstring."\n$message\n"; } function build_multipart() { $boundary = "b".md5(uniqid(time())); $multipart = "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=$boundary\n\nThis is a MIME encoded message.\n\n--$boundary"; for($i = sizeof($this->parts)-1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $multipart .= "\n".$this->build_message($this->parts[$i])."--$boundary"; } return $multipart.= "--\n"; } function send() { $mime = ""; if (!empty($this->from)) $mime .= "From: ".$this->from."\n"; if (!empty($this->headers)) $mime .= $this->headers."\n"; if (!empty($this->body)) $this->add_attachment($this->body, "", "text/plain"); $mime .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n".$this->build_multipart(); $success = mail($this->to, $this->subject, "", $mime); } }; ?> or include("config.inc"); include("mailsend.inc"); $img_info = getimagesize($bild); $img_info1 = getimagesize($bild1); $img_info2 = getimagesize($bild2); $img_info3 = getimagesize($bild3); $img_info4 = getimagesize($bild4); $img_info5 = getimagesize($bild5); $img_info6 = getimagesize($bild6); $img_info7 = getimagesize($bild7); $img_info8 = getimagesize($bild8); $img_info9 = getimagesize($bild9); $img_info10 = getimagesize($bild10); $img_info11 = getimagesize($bild11); $img_info12 = getimagesize($bild12); if ($bild) { if ($img_info[2] == '2') { $bildneu = "".$name."1.jpg"; } else { include("error.php"); exit; } } if ($bild1) { if ($img_info1[2] == '2') { $bildneu1 = "".$name."2.jpg"; } else { include("error.php"); exit; } } if ($bild2) { if ($img_info2[2] == '2') { $bildneu2 = "".$name."3.jpg"; } else { include("error.php"); exit; } } if ($bild3) { if ($img_info3[2] == '2') { $bildneu3 = "".$name."4.jpg"; } else { include("error.php"); exit; } } if ($bild4) { if ($img_info4[2] == '2') { $bildneu4 = "".$name."5.jpg"; } else { include("error.php"); exit; } } if ($bild5) { if ($img_info5[2] == '2') { $bildneu5 = "".$name."6.jpg"; } else { include("error.php"); exit; } } if ($bild6) { if ($img_info6[2] == '2') { $bildneu6 = "".$name."7.jpg"; } else { include("error.php"); exit; } } if ($bild7) { if ($img_info7[2] == '2') { $bildneu7 = "".$name."8.jpg"; } else { include("error.php"); exit; } } if ($bild8) { if ($img_info8[2] == '2') { $bildneu8 = "".$name."9.jpg"; } else { include("error.php"); exit; } } if ($bild9) { if ($img_info9[2] == '2') { $bildneu9 = "".$name."10.jpg"; } else { include("error.php"); exit; } } if ($bild10) { if ($img_info10[2] == '2') { $bildneu10 = "".$name."11.jpg"; } else { include("error.php"); exit; } } if ($bild11) { if ($img_info11[2] == '2') { $bildneu11 = "".$name."12.jpg"; } else { include("error.php"); exit; } } if ($bild12) { if ($img_info12[2] == '2') { $bildneu12 = "".$name."13.jpg"; } else { include("error.php"); exit; } } if ($bild) { copy($bild,$bildneu); // copie l'image $attachment = fread(fopen($bildneu, "r"), filesize($bildneu)); } if ($bild1) { copy($bild1,$bildneu1); // Kopiert das Bild $attachment1 = fread(fopen($bildneu1, "r"), filesize($bildneu1)); } if ($bild2) { copy($bild2,$bildneu2); // Kopiert das Bild $attachment2 = fread(fopen($bildneu2, "r"), filesize($bildneu2)); } if ($bild3) { copy($bild3,$bildneu3); // Kopiert das Bild $attachment3 = fread(fopen($bildneu3, "r"), filesize($bildneu3)); } if ($bild4) { copy($bild4,$bildneu4); // Kopiert das Bild $attachment4 = fread(fopen($bildneu4, "r"), filesize($bildneu4)); } if ($bild5) { copy($bild5,$bildneu5); // Kopiert das Bild $attachment5 = fread(fopen($bildneu5, "r"), filesize($bildneu5)); } if ($bild6) { copy($bild6,$bildneu6); // Kopiert das Bild $attachment6 = fread(fopen($bildneu6, "r"), filesize($bildneu6)); } if ($bild7) { copy($bild7,$bildneu7); // Kopiert das Bild $attachment7 = fread(fopen($bildneu7, "r"), filesize($bildneu7)); } if ($bild8) { copy($bild8,$bildneu8); // Kopiert das Bild $attachment8 = fread(fopen($bildneu8, "r"), filesize($bildneu8)); } if ($bild9) { copy($bild9,$bildneu9); // Kopiert das Bild $attachment9 = fread(fopen($bildneu9, "r"), filesize($bildneu9)); } if ($bild10) { copy($bild10,$bildneu10); // Kopiert das Bild $attachment10 = fread(fopen($bildneu10, "r"), filesize($bildneu10)); } if ($bild11) { copy($bild11,$bildneu11); // Kopiert das Bild $attachment11 = fread(fopen($bildneu11, "r"), filesize($bildneu11)); } if ($bild12) { copy($bild12,$bildneu12); // Kopiert das Bild $attachment12 = fread(fopen($bildneu12, "r"), filesize($bildneu12)); } $header.="Kundenname: ".$name."\n\n"; $header.="Kundenmail: ".$email."\n\n"; $header.="Bestellnummer: ".$betreff.""; $mail = new mime_mail(); $mail->headers = "Message-ID: <$mail_from>"; $mail->headers = "X-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion().""; $mail->headers = "X-Sender-IP: $REMOTE_ADDR"; $mail->from = "$email"; $mail->headers = "Errors-To: $mail_from"; $mail->to = "$mail_from"; $mail->subject = "Bildversand über Shopsystem"; $mail->body = "$header"; if ($bildneu) { if(eregi("(jpg)$",$bildneu)) { $mail->add_attachment("$attachment", $bildneu, "image/jpeg"); } } if ($bildneu1) { if(eregi("(jpg)$",$bildneu1)) { $mail->add_attachment("$attachment1", $bildneu1, "image/jpeg"); } } if ($bildneu2) { if(eregi("(jpg)$",$bildneu2)) { $mail->add_attachment("$attachment2", $bildneu2, "image/jpeg"); } } if ($bildneu3) { if(eregi("(jpg)$",$bildneu3)) { $mail->add_attachment("$attachment3", $bildneu3, "image/jpeg"); } } if ($bildneu4) { if(eregi("(jpg)$",$bildneu4)) { $mail->add_attachment("$attachment4", $bildneu4, "image/jpeg"); } } if ($bildneu5) { if(eregi("(jpg)$",$bildneu5)) { $mail->add_attachment("$attachment5", $bildneu5, "image/jpeg"); } } if ($bildneu6) { if(eregi("(jpg)$",$bildneu6)) { $mail->add_attachment("$attachment6", $bildneu6, "image/jpeg"); } } if ($bildneu7) { if(eregi("(jpg)$",$bildneu7)) { $mail->add_attachment("$attachment7", $bildneu7, "image/jpeg"); } } if ($bildneu8) { if(eregi("(jpg)$",$bildneu8)) { $mail->add_attachment("$attachment8", $bildneu8, "image/jpeg"); } } if ($bildneu9) { if(eregi("(jpg)$",$bildneu9)) { $mail->add_attachment("$attachment9", $bildneu9, "image/jpeg"); } } if ($bildneu10) { if(eregi("(jpg)$",$bildneu10)) { $mail->add_attachment("$attachment10", $bildneu10, "image/jpeg"); } } if ($bildneu11) { if(eregi("(jpg)$",$bildneu11)) { $mail->add_attachment("$attachment11", $bildneu11, "image/jpeg"); } } if ($bildneu12) { if(eregi("(jpg)$",$bildneu12)) { $mail->add_attachment("$attachment12", $bildneu12, "image/jpeg"); } } $mail->send(); @unlink($bildneu); // Efface l'image temporaire @unlink($bildneu1); // Löscht das temporäre Bild @unlink($bildneu2); // Löscht das temporäre Bild @unlink($bildneu3); // Löscht das temporäre Bild @unlink($bildneu4); // Löscht das temporäre Bild @unlink($bildneu5); // Löscht das temporäre Bild @unlink($bildneu6); // Löscht das temporäre Bild @unlink($bildneu7); // Löscht das temporäre Bild @unlink($bildneu8); // Löscht das temporäre Bild @unlink($bildneu9); // Löscht das temporäre Bild @unlink($bildneu10); // Löscht das temporäre Bild @unlink($bildneu11); // Löscht das temporäre Bild @unlink($bildneu12); // Löscht das temporäre Bild include("ok.php"); ?> If somebody had the answer it would help me a lot Thanks webide Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megadart Posted January 19, 2008 Share Posted January 19, 2008 Hi I just installed the same contribution today and have errors too, did you find a solution in the meantime ? thank you Michael Quote ------------------- Surf-Timer Internet Kiosk Software www.surf-timer.com Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
♥geoffreywalton Posted January 19, 2008 Share Posted January 19, 2008 There is also a contribution which searching the contributions for file upload should find. Don't know if it works though. Quote Need help installing add ons/contributions, cleaning a hacked site or a bespoke development, check my profile Virus Threat Scanner My Contributions Basic install answers. Click here for Contributions / Add Ons. UK your site. Site Move. Basic design info. For links mentioned in old answers that are no longer here follow this link Useful Threads. If this post was useful, click the Like This button over there ======>>>>>. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megadart Posted January 19, 2008 Share Posted January 19, 2008 There is also a contribution which searching the contributions for file upload should find. Don't know if it works though. Hi Thank you for your answer , this is what I have found in the meantime : http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1540 I have also contacted the programer of the Contribution , as my first language is german , maybe he will answer me . I will let you know when I get it to work regards Michael www.preisplanet.at Quote ------------------- Surf-Timer Internet Kiosk Software www.surf-timer.com Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tltj Posted June 27, 2008 Share Posted June 27, 2008 Hi! Been trying to get this working but failed. Has anyone got it to work properly? I have noticed in the forum that two files as supposed to be missing from the contrib, apparently "ok.inc" and "error.inc". Anyway the contrib, for me, works as this; I am able to get the email from the shop (being a logged in customer) to the shop´s email adress. So that is alright. However no attachment is included and no other info is included in the mail, only this words; Kundenname: Kundenmail: Bestellnummer: Thats it - nothing else. Any hint/help/suggestion is welcome, thanks in advance! This looks to be a great contrib, would be great to get it to work as this one is perfect to a print-shop. Ps. I will post if I get the contrib to work Ds. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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