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Switching between SSL and non-SSL


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I've noticed that if you are an existing customer checking out, you are sent to the login page securely, but then it kicks you back to a non-secure version of the actual checkout page. Why does this happen?


I guess a more helpful question would be, what determines which pages are ssl and which are not? What do I modify to make sure the cart stays on the ssl domain through out the login process?


Thanks in advance for any help.

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Does anyone have a solution/reason/anything for this? I have the same problem currently. When a customer is at the log in screen, it is secure, but when the log in button is clicked, it goes out of the secure server. And this is where the credit card information is entered...so that's definately not good



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Just as an extra comment, after entering credit card information and clicking continue, it does actually go to the secure server, but is that actually safe? Do you need to begin from the secure URL in order for the information to be transmitted safely and correctly?





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Is there a way to just force all pages with a form to be secure?


And Joe, thanks for having the same problem... I was being to think I was the only one :wink:

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