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The e-commerce.

Which version are people using?


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I'm about to setup a new store, wondering what version of osCommerce people are using, I have quite a few years experiene with PHP, should I stick with the stable 2.1 release or is everyone using 2.2 ?


I also wish to install some third party modules for payment systems, etc.. which version of osCommerce are these usually made for?


Many thanks.

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2.1 is stable, but has a lack of features and very few people use it. 2.2 is pretty stable and relatively bug free and has a much higher level of support (i.e. just look at the contributions, most of them are written for 2.2)


Lots more payment options available for 2.2 as well.


*hugs his 2.2 snapshot*


Haven't had one bug in it that has hindered me so far.

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