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CHMOD Problems in WS FTP95 LE


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I have installed 2.2 and have been following the docs to secure the site. Using WS FTP95 I have selected catalog/includes/configure.php and set it to 644 as suggested, I then move up to the includes folder and set that to 755. The problem is that this then overwrites the configure.php to 755 as well! I have tried this again and again and it keeps happening.


I know this is not an Osc problem but any help with finishing the installation would be fantastic!


Thanks in advance


Hey grumster, :)


Maybe it's your software? If your FTP'ing to a Unix server, Why not try the "Free" software I use? 8)


WinSCP - Secure FTP Client: http://winscp.vse.cz/eng/


I do not work for them and this post IS NOT SPAM, I just think, everyone should be FTP'ing securely! I use to only use CuteFTP until a IT friend of mine told me there was a secure way to FTP! :D


Anyway, to chmod a file in WinSCP, right-click on the file you want to chmod and choose properties, then a chmod box will show.


644 is:


Owner - read (checked), write (checked), excute (unchecked)

Group - read (checked), write (unchecked), excute (unchecked)

Others - read (checked), write (unchecked), excute (unchecked)


Hope this helps, and as usual, use this info at your own risk,

G. :D

Running osC - 2.2MS2. P.S. Please don't ask for a link to my site, it is on a production server and not available for the general public, yet!


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