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Removing Something in Catagory Box


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I hope this is the right place to post this and I tryed searching but search engine wont allow -> to be searched for, lol

Anyways... Ive looked and looked in these files and can't figure out how to remove the -> in the catagory's subcatagories. I'd like to have nothing there but again can't seem to locate the file to change this... Can anyone drop me a hint on which file to edit for this

Just in case http://store.competitionmotorsports.com



Rick Storm

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I have done this on my website, but it's been so long I can't remember how I did it.


I would suggest looking in these files:





other than that I'm not sure. Good luck!

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Or just remove this from /includes/boxes/categories.php:


if (tep_has_category_subcategories($counter)) {

$categories_string .= '->';


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Thank you very much Jason... I should have caught that but nope....... never saw it and it didnt slap me in da face... lol I commented out those 3 lines and all worked perfectly.


Thank you again


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