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The e-commerce.

UK £ sign


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Hi all,


I have read most of the posts and cannot find the answer to my question.


My default currency is GBP £ Stirling, but the prices show in USD $.


Have can I change this.



Many thanks



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There is a connection between languages

and currencies in osCommerce. If you change the

default currency for the English language to (for

example) UK Pounds (symbol =GBP) then you also

need to edit includes/languages/english.php and

where you see 'USD' change it to 'GBP'. It was

assumed when osCommerce was written that if your

language was English then your currency would be

US Dollars :D



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go to localization>>currencies and edit symbol left.


Satish Mantri

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There is a connection between languages

and currencies in osCommerce. If you change the

default currency for the English language to (for

example) UK Pounds (symbol =GBP) then you also

need to edit includes/languages/english.php and

where you see 'USD' change it to 'GBP'. It was

assumed when osCommerce was written that if your

language was English then your currency would be

US Dollars :D




i found even after doing what you suggested it still displayed in dollars on the site, but in the admin area it showed up correctly, so i had to use the above contribution. its also menat to do things like addresses the proper (english ;)) way, and auto does the VAT etc etc



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