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The e-commerce.

noticing there is no order for option choices


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Has anyone experienced the situation when adding options to a product it will suddenly appear in the drop down list out of alphabetical order?


Is there something that could solve this from reoccurrance?


For example...


I enter in attribute options for an item the exact way I want them in the alphabetical way they are to be using the correct configuration settings with OSC and yet OSC will not show them as such. What is odd, I have done this same exact coding previous it worked correctly.


What could be possible at causing this to start occurring all of a sudden? Any ideas?

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Well I took care of one problem with the asc setting. :thumbsup:




I have a question however, is there something out there like a contribution of sorts for data maneuvering if you have a lot of inventory to enter and need to categorize it for easy to flow smoothly?

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