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The e-commerce.

Im Baffled


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Hi guys,


Just installed osC onto my server using fantasico and no faults occured.


When viewing the store it appears with no graphics or fonts. I have checked the link to the stylesheet.css and this is correct, I have also checked that all the perrmissions on files mentioned in the post-installation instructions but nothing changes.


Ive searched through the forum but cant find an answer but im sure someone here will point out where Im going wrong.


Thanks in advance



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Hi guys,


Just installed osC onto my server using fantasico and no faults occured.


When viewing the store it appears with no graphics or fonts. I have checked the link to the stylesheet.css and this is correct, I have also checked that all the perrmissions on files mentioned in the post-installation instructions but nothing changes.


Ive searched through the forum but cant find an answer but im sure someone here will point out where Im going wrong.


Thanks in advance



Post your site address so we can see what you mean

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In IE7 where the pictures should be all I get is the Red X everywhere.


Similar thing with NS.


When choosing view image in netscape it produces the image in a pop up box, no luck with IE though


Dave, running IE7 and all seems ok, give me an example of what doesnt look right.
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I tell you what the issue is.


You have a frameset for the domain name http://www.onlineadults.net/osc/ pointing to:


But when you go to the ip address url you have your domain name frameset to your config file is set to the domain name. http://www.onlineadults.net/osc/





<!-- Redirection Services RED-04C-CHG H1 -->
<frameset rows='100%, *' frameborder=no framespacing=0 border=0>
<frame src="" name=mainwindow frameborder=no framespacing=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0></frame>
<h2>Your browser does not support frames.  We recommend upgrading your browser.</h2><br><br>
<center>Click <a href="">here</a> to enter the site.</center>


And when you go to the ip address as stated above the config is set to the url or domain name and it is not really on the server or this hosting package.


<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<html dir="LTR" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Online Adults</title>
<base href="http://onlineadults.net/osc/">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.onlineadults.net/stylesheet.css">
<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0">
<!-- header //-->
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
 <tr class="header">
   <td valign="middle"><a href="http://onlineadults.net/osc/index.php?osCsid=dc0a8501ae7d7b71b6b02bfcd33e6365"><img src="images/oscommerce.gif" border="0" alt="osCommerce" title=" osCommerce " width="155" height="50"></a></td>
   <td align="right" valign="bottom"><a href="http://onlineadults.net/osc/account.php?osCsid=dc0a8501ae7d7b71b6b02bfcd33e6365"><img src="images/header_account.gif" border="0" alt="My Account" title=" My Account " width="30" height="30"></a>  <a href="http://onlineadults.net/osc/shopping_cart.php?osCsid=dc0a8501ae7d7b71b6b02bfcd33e6365"><img src="images/header_cart.gif" border="0" alt="Cart Contents" title=" Cart Contents " width="30" height="30"></a>  <a href="http://onlineadults.net/osc/checkout_shipping.php?osCsid=dc0a8501ae7d7b71b6b02bfcd33e6365"><img src="images/header_checkout.gif" border="0" alt="Checkout" title=" Checkout " width="30" height="30"></a>  </td>


Also your stylesheet doesn't have the right path either it is missing the osc subdirectory for your path.


So all in all if you want it to work you need to have the domain name for the http:// and the www going to the same spot. your apache configuration is all screwed up.



Hi guys,


Just installed osC onto my server using fantasico and no faults occured.


When viewing the store it appears with no graphics or fonts. I have checked the link to the stylesheet.css and this is correct, I have also checked that all the perrmissions on files mentioned in the post-installation instructions but nothing changes.


Ive searched through the forum but cant find an answer but im sure someone here will point out where Im going wrong.


Thanks in advance



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In IE7 where the pictures should be all I get is the Red X everywhere.


Similar thing with NS.


When choosing view image in netscape it produces the image in a pop up box, no luck with IE though


you are typing www.onlineadults.net to load the site and clicking enter, if you dont ie typing www.onlineadults.net/osc/ it wont load properly

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By George I Think He's Got It !!!!!


Many, many thanks guys. After a little playing arround with bits and pieces in the configuration file, and in my domaiun settings, I have managed to sort it out.


Thanks once again, mush appreciated.



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