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tep_get_products_special_prices() Undefined function Error


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I think it could be something i did in Admin but i'm not sure,

any hints/suggestions?? Please Help.



Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_get_products_special_price() in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/catalog/catalog/product_info.php on line 60

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function tep_get_products_special_price is in the /includes/functions/general.php file.


Make sure you have this file and make sure your files are in /catalog/catalog


If they are not located there, then check your /includes/configure.php file.


You can also try to reload the /includes/functions/general.php file.

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Thank you that got rid of the 3 errors i had on the page (reloading the file) now i get

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: display_price() in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/catalog/catalog/product_info.php on line 63


How did all this stuff start to fall apart when i didn't even change any of it?? Any ideas.

Thanks a lot,


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The function display_price is located at the bottom of /includes/classes/currencies.php


Basically check the same thing, is it there? If so, check your configure.php and make sure you are setup for /catalog/catalog and if so, reload it

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Damn it was the same thing i just had to reload it, why would i keep having to do this, is it random corruption or what?? I've never even dealt with any of those files before i'm not sure how it could screw up?

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Did you reload your site recently? Or change anything since you last remembered it worked ... then suddenly stopped working?


Did your server go down and your hosting site have to restore your domain?


Perhaps it's just a bad hair day :shock:

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