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The e-commerce.

Control Panel doesn't match :(


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I am new to OSC and when I faild to find a way to delete products from the control panel, I reviewed online documents.

And I found that Control Panel is completly different than mine!


My Control Panel:


Documentation Control Panel:


Documentation Link: http://www.oscommerce.info/docs/english/e_products.html


Please help me out, all I just want to do is manage my products easily!!



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Mine looks different too, but most of the information is the same I think.


Delete a product by going into admin and clicking on the 'Catalog' link, then go into the category your product is in (you may have to click twice). From there you can see a list of all your products for that category. Click on one and then hit the 'delete' button on the upper right hand side of the page.




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