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Got my store going! Can I please get some feedback?


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Well I got my store going, took a long while to get it were it is today. Got 2 orders so far and it seems to be working pretty well. I am still trying to figure out the image factor. Sometimes it seems that they are sort of ugly.




Any advice would be wonderful.




Thank you


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You definately need to figure out the "logo" thing and put something besides the year up there. Some of the pictures are blurry. You have "Build a PC" but nothing is there. Great "conditions of use" and "privacy" information. You need more information in "shipping and returns".


It's user friendly and seems to have everything working.

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Hello Karla,

Yeah I know I need to get a logo up soon. My company name has made it really hard to come up with a good logo that fits " C & D Computer Consulting " kind of shot myself in the foot with that one. I am still trying to find the pieceful meduim for images. I using a blank 250x250 work space then I paste the actual image on it then merge the two. Otherwise I am not sure how to get the picture perfect.


The site is still in progress, I just finished the build a server that was painstaking. Next on my agenda is the build a pc.


Thank you for the feedback, I really needed it.



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Consider installing a thumbnail contribution, as Karla said some pictures are blurry. As for the design it is stock osCommerce with only modifications to default icons. I would consider re-designing the header and footer. In the Categories box, consider getting rid of the (->). Other then that, consider fixing category images or removing them, for instance on http://www.networking-help.biz/store/index.php?cPath=31 the category image is broken. I would also change the color of the buy now button to match the color scheme of your website.

Andrew Yuen

osCommerce, Community Team

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Hello Andrew,


Do you recommend a good thumbnail contribution? I am still a newbie on modifying the cart itself. I have noticed a couple of missing pictures, I have to work on that.


As far as redesigning the header and footer I would rather pay someone to help with that aspect, otherwise I might kill it.


Thank you for your feedback, that was me opening the liveperson chat with you. ;)





Consider installing a thumbnail contribution, as Karla said some pictures are blurry. As for the design it is stock osCommerce with only modifications to default icons. I would consider re-designing the header and footer. In the Categories box, consider getting rid of the (->). Other then that, consider fixing category images or removing them, for instance on http://www.networking-help.biz/store/index.php?cPath=31 the category image is broken. I would also change the color of the buy now button to match the color scheme of your website.
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