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How do I change the Products Name box?


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Third time should be a charm. I need to change the Products Name box to Scott Number?


It is difficult to get some help isn't it? I hear you!


Do you mean the headings in the items listing? i.e. "Product Name Price Buy Now "


If so, edit the following file: listproducts.php in root\admin

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It is difficult to get some help isn't it? I hear you!


Do you mean the headings in the items listing? i.e. "Product Name Price Buy Now "


If so, edit the following file: listproducts.php in root\admin


In my oscommerce package, it is line 42,


echo "<tr><th>Product ID</th><th>Product Name</th><th>Product Size</th></tr><tr>";


Hopefully I haven't misunderstood.

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