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SecurePay Interface Module


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For anyone needing to interface their osCommerce Cart to SecurePay, contact SecurePay support and ask for their files for interfacing to osCommerce. You will get a ZIP file with two different securepay.php files which need to be copied into the catalog -> includes -> languages -> english -> modules -> payment folder and the catalog -> includes -> modules -> payment folder. Securepay will then show up in the osCommerce Admin interface under Modules -> Payment, and you can set the various parameters such as Test or Production mode. The 4111111111111111 Visa card number can be used for testing. It works!

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Hello David,


When I contacted SecurePay, they did not have a clue what I was talking about when I mentioned such files. And now, I've been paying for two gateway processors (Authorize.net and SecurePay) for a couple months now...but only need one and the mobile app is the best with SecurePay/Paynet Systems.


Any other suggestions? I mean, may you could forward me their .zip file...? Just a suggestion.


Thank you sir...!





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