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needs help for product description v1.5 contribution


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The support forum for this contribution is not active. I have'nt received any answers.


I installed this contribution but the problem is the font size of the productDesc got bigger than prodHeadDesc. I could'nt customize the prodDesc in stylesheet.css. It is not doing anything or reacting to changes. And I found out that "TD.productListing-data" reacts with the change of font size of the product head description instead.


you can take a look at the link http://buildcakeeasily.dk/osc_st/catalog/i....php?cPath=3_10


Where else can I go and check the problem?

Any suggestions to this problem?


If have to remove this contribution if I can't fix it. I really like this type of product listing.


Thanks! :blush:


change the productDesc, productheadDesc classes in your css remove the TD. so it is global (or add the span too). Then in your product_listing.php setup a <span></span> around the short description where it calls that flatten description function.

change the productDesc, productheadDesc classes in your css remove the TD. so it is global (or add the span too). Then in your product_listing.php setup a <span></span> around the short description where it calls that flatten description function.




Thanks for your response.


I tried every form, but still no changes. Please take a look of the codes, probably there's something wrong with it.


//product listing

SPAN.productDesc {

font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 5px;

color: #660000;

padding: 1px 7px 1px 7px;



SPAN.productheadDesc {

font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

font-size: 5px;

font-weight: normal;

color: #a4126f;

padding: 4px 0px 0px 10px;





$lc_text .= '<br><br><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td><span class="productDesc">' . tep_flatten_product_description($listing['products_description'] . '</span>', ' <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $listing['products_id']) . '">' . TEXT_MORE . '</a>') . '</td></tr></table><br>';


Any suggestions?


Thanks! :blush:





why are you breaking the stylesheet.css? to comment a class or a line inside a css file you must use the /* */ notation. And not the // because it will rename and basically ignore your css entries. It's not the same as with programming languages like php or c++.



why are you breaking the stylesheet.css? to comment a class or a line inside a css file you must use the /* */ notation. And not the // because it will rename and basically ignore your css entries. It's not the same as with programming languages like php or c++.


Thanks enigma!


Now it's working perfectly. I did'nt noticed that I am using the wrong notation. You just saved my website. Thank you very much.


Best regards, :thumbsup:



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