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Problem with nonsecure items in SSL


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I believe the reason you are getting that pop up is because you have items on a secure page that link to non-secure sites. You have your Firefox and Picassa box which link to http://tools.goolge.com which is causing the discrepancy.

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I believe the reason you are getting that pop up is because you have items on a secure page that link to non-secure sites. You have your Firefox and Picassa box which link to http://tools.goolge.com which is causing the discrepancy.


anyway to bypass that or do you suggest getting rid of those links?


cause even my internal links(top images) are nonsecured

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I believe the reason you are getting that pop up is because you have items on a secure page that link to non-secure sites. You have your Firefox and Picassa box which link to http://tools.goolge.com which is causing the discrepancy.


You can move the entire site under https://

or just change your links to point to your images from this :


to this :



I'm guessing you could do the same with yor google and firefox links.

Try it!



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You can move the entire site under https://

or just change your links to point to your images from this :


to this :



I'm guessing you could do the same with yor google and firefox links.

Try it!




Thanks champ,


Working on it now :)


King Harve!

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I believe the reason you are getting that pop up is because you have items on a secure page that link to non-secure sites. You have your Firefox and Picassa box which link to http://tools.goolge.com which is causing the discrepancy.

The message has nothing to do with what items you link off to. You can link to whatever you like on a secure page. The message appears when you are on an https:// connection and reference an image (or other file) that is transferred over an ordinary http:// one.


A quick way to tell if your store is moving over to SSL properly is to check the <base href=""> tag at the top of your page when you View Source. It should change from http:// to https://


Then it's a case of tracking down any items you may have added that are being pulled in via http:// instead of https://

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