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The e-commerce.

Shared SSL with CWCS


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Hi All,


Hope somebody can offer some good advice!


I have a VPS (Virtuozzo Virtual Private Server) service with the UK company CWCS - I intend to install and use osCommerce however, I have purchased a Shared SSL service.


CWCS state that "The URL for sites on the shared server is: https://www.supremeservers.co.uk/users/yourusername/ " (so I will upload and install at www.mydomain.com BUT configure osCommerce at installation with the Shared SSL address) - can anybody tell me if I can expect any particular problems - I've read lots of posts on this issue but can't work out if (1) it should work without problem if I enter the correct information at installation (2) It won't work or (3) It will work with extra configuration needed?


Any advice much appreciated to avoid problems further down the line!





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