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"Tax" doesn't show out


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Hello, I am new to OsCommerce. I just spent amount of time finishing installation and setting up. However, while I was testing, I found in Order Confirm page, it shows the tax amount but didn't show the word "Tax", so it looks like:

Sub-Total: $111.99

Flat Rate (Best Way): $5.00

: $8.68

Total: $125.67


Customer may confuse on what amount is that. Did I missed to turn on some setting or what should I do to make the word "Tax" show out?


Thank you....

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the tax string is pulled from the catalog\includes\languages\english\modules\orders_total\ot_tax.php. So if the strings in that file are ok it should show up. Assuming you havent touched the ot_tax files and your tax module is installed in the order total in osc admin->modules

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Thanks for the reply. I don't remember I have ever touched the anything of the file. So I went to the file "catalog\includes\languages\english\modules\orders_total\ot_tax.php", and here is the code, I am not sure if they are supposed to be like this:



$Id: ot_tax.php,v 1.1 2002/04/03 23:09:49 hpdl Exp $


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And the setting in "Order Total Modules" is like this:

Order Tax


Display Tax



Sort Order



Is anything wrong with my setting or my file? how come the word "Tax" just not show out?

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I believe it's the "Tax description" that you're looking for.


Admin->Locations/Taxes->Tax Rates->each tax rate has to have something entered under the "Description" field

Do, or do not. There is no try.


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