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Apache shuts down after install step 7


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Windons XP localhost install.

Installed XAMPP and switched to php version 4. Created database using local web host control panel. Donwloaded oscommerce "catalog" folder into webroot and changed permissions. Ran the install per quick install instructions. But at step 7 when I press "catalog" or "administration" I get an apache error "Apache HTTP Server has encountered a problem and needs to close"....

PS. Global variables set to ON

Help greatly appreciated.

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New issue

Windons XP localhost install.

Installed XAMPP and switched to php version 4. Created database using local web host control panel. Donwloaded oscommerce "catalog" folder into webroot and changed permissions. Ran the install per quick install instructions. But at step 7 when I press "catalog" or "administration" I get an apache error "Apache HTTP Server has encountered a problem and needs to close"....

PS. Global variables set to ON

Help greatly appreciated.


Having noticed your other posts on the issue, I dug up the original post, and I'll bite.


If it's XP, does the Windows event log have anything of any value when this happens? If so, what does it say? "encountered a problem and needs to close" means that somewhere, someone rearranged the atoms of the universe. Moreover, if you fire up XAMPP, then just go to the regular catalog page (not through the installer), what happens?

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Thanks for the help. Don't really know what I am doing but I was able to follow the instructions. A little more info on the problem. After the apache shutting down error page the page goes blank.....but apache appears to still be running per the xampp control panel ? Have tried pointing the browser directly at the catalog page without going through xampp - still getting the same Apache error ??? Sorry to appear stupid but where can I find the windows event log ?

Thanks again

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  • 4 weeks later...

I found the problem. In one of the earlier posts it said to switch the php version in XXAMP from 5 to 4...which I did. This is wrong. You should be using version 5 of php. I simply switched it back to version 5 using the phpswitch.bat file in the localhost screen and reinstalled oscommerce. Worked first time !

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