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Remove the corner gifs


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What is the code to edit to remove the corner_left.gif, corner_right.gif and corner_right_left.gif?

I do know its the boxes.php file in includes/classes, but not sure what to change.

I've been through this forum and can't find what it is I need to change.

I'm using ver MS2.2, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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What is the code to edit to remove the corner_left.gif, corner_right.gif and corner_right_left.gif?

I do know its the boxes.php file in includes/classes, but not sure what to change.

I've been through this forum and can't find what it is I need to change.

I'm using ver MS2.2, any help would be greatly appreciated.


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What is the code to edit to remove the corner_left.gif, corner_right.gif and corner_right_left.gif?

I do know its the boxes.php file in includes/classes, but not sure what to change.

I've been through this forum and can't find what it is I need to change.

I'm using ver MS2.2, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Lori, a quick fix would be to make some transparent graphics and save them as:





You can download them at http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,4764

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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What is the code to edit to remove the corner_left.gif, corner_right.gif and corner_right_left.gif?

I do know its the boxes.php file in includes/classes, but not sure what to change.

I've been through this forum and can't find what it is I need to change.

I'm using ver MS2.2, any help would be greatly appreciated.




I changed them too....


if ($left_corner == true) {

$left_corner = tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'infobox/corner_right_left.gif');

} else {

$left_corner = tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'infobox/corner_right_left.gif');


if ($right_arrow == true) {

$right_arrow = '<a href="' . $right_arrow . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'infobox/arrow_right.gif', ICON_ARROW_RIGHT) . '</a>';

} else {

$right_arrow = '';


if ($right_corner == true) {

$right_corner = $right_arrow . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'infobox/corner_right_left.gif');

} else {

$right_corner = $right_arrow . tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '11', '14');


And don't forget the other one if you are keeping the product feature lower down in the file....


class contentBoxHeading extends tableBox {

function contentBoxHeading($contents) {

$this->table_width = '100%';

$this->table_cellpadding = '0';


$info_box_contents = array();

$info_box_contents[] = array(array('params' => 'height="14" class="infoBoxHeading"',

'text' => tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'infobox/corner_right_left.gif')), array('params' => 'height="14" class="infoBoxHeading" width="100%"',

'text' => $contents[0]['text']),

array('params' => 'height="14" class="infoBoxHeading"',

'text' => tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'infobox/corner_right_left.gif')));


$this->tableBox($info_box_contents, true);






This will give you SQUARE corners.


I believe if you want them round, you just remove "left" from the code.


Hope that helps!



Char :)

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Lori, a quick fix would be to make some transparent graphics and save them as:





You can download them at http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,4764




Thank you so much Bill, this one did it. Also, thank you to everyone else that helped. I really appreciate it!!!

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