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limiting access to approved customers only


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Hi all,


I looking to limiting access to approved customers only... does any one know of a way or contribution that does this?


We have a wholesale website that we want to only allow approved customers to browse. Retail customer shouldn't be allowed to view the prices, this is why we need to limit access. Also, not anyone should be able to "create an account" ... ie, approved only.


I have browsed through the contributions section and have found these three contributions... but am not sure its what I need...








Has anyone else used these contributions? Or is there a all-in-one that you might know about? Please help if possible, I really don't want to re-invent the wheel if not necessary... has anyone accomplished such a setup?


Thanx in advance,


Thuan Nguyen

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Well on all pages just check whether customer is logged in.

The code for this you will find in most.

If not logged in then redirect to login page.



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  • 1 year later...

I now have a similar issue where customers still need to be able to sign up and purchase from the shop but selected customers (only) need to have an additional section or products that only they can see or buy.


Ie I would like it so normal customers can sign up and see all the t shirts, jumpers and sweatshirts on sale but for special customers I can set an option on their account so they see the section selling pants as well.


If it means a "limited access" section so be it but ideally Id like to have the "hidden" items in the normal sections so I am able to set each item to be seen by normal customers (and special ones too) or be viewable by only the "special" customers alone.


Id also like to avoid the ability of an unapproved customer receiving a link to a page they don't have access to and being able to view it. I assume stopping someone without an account viewing anything is easy enough (as above) but it needs to weed out the "unapproved" customers with an account which they are logged into.

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