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Cannot upload images for products


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This is the error I receive when attempting to upload images to my new store.


Warning: move_uploaded_file(D:/cchosting/Trung-Nguyen/tea/images/Genmai-Cha-rice-green-tea.jpg): failed to open stream: Permission denied in D:\cchosting\Trung-Nguyen\tea\admin\includes\classes\upload.php on line 91

Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move 'C:\PHP\uploadtemp\phpA33.tmp' to 'D:/cchosting/Trung-Nguyen/tea/images/Genmai-Cha-rice-green-tea.jpg' in D:\cchosting\Trung-Nguyen\tea\admin\includes\classes\upload.php on line 91


All the permissions are set to full, so I am not sure at all what could be causing this. I am able to do everything else and my site is fully set-up, but none of the products have images. Can anyone tell me where to look to solve this problem?


change the permissions on ALL of the subfolders of the images folder to 777


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