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Internal Server Error


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Ok, so that error has stopped now, even though I havent edited anything.


And instead this comes up:


Server Requirement Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration. This can be enabled in your php.ini configuration file or in the .htaccess file in your catalog directory.


HOWEVER, this is the line in my php.ini file:


register_globals = on


And this is the line in my .htaccess file:


php_value register_globals 1



So, whats going on now?

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Make "on" turn into "On" and make sure there are none that say "Off". After you fix that, comment out the part in .htaccess and see if it works. the error is caused by osCommerce in the application_top.php file

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Make a new PHP file, name it phpinfo.php








Run this file and refresh after every change. make sure you re-start your webserver(apache should be httpd graceful)

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You need to make that page, with the above contents. It will make a detailed page about your configuration. It will tell you everything in your PHP.ini file and the per-directory settings.


Make sure that Register Globals and Reg. Long arrays are turned on in that page. If not, change the php.ini, .htaccess or whatever until when you refresh the phpinfo.php it says On under those.


Remember to re-start

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5.2. Just to let you know, I found my way around it.


In the htaccess file of the catalog dir. Everything after line 7 was put in as a comment. SO I un-commented the line regarding glabal varials. Im just having a problem with the /tmp/ dir now.



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In php.ini towords the bottom there is a setting for the tempory folder. It is under the dynamic extensions under the session part. Make a C:\TEMP folder and turn off read-only.

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5.2. Just to let you know, I found my way around it.


In the htaccess file of the catalog dir. Everything after line 7 was put in as a comment. SO I un-commented the line regarding glabal varials. Im just having a problem with the /tmp/ dir now.






had the same problem - but when next install I've choosen "session storage: database" (instead of files) the problem's gone

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had the same problem - but when next install I've choosen "session storage: database" (instead of files) the problem's gone


That might work. The error may be caused by PHP not finding /tmp, but that woulden't be a problem w/ the database

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